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Jimmy Kimmel tried to hit Republicans and ended up punching himself in the face



Late-night comedians are the foot soldiers of the Democrat-controlled media.

They try to make DNC talking points humorous.

But Jimmy Kimmel tried to hit Republicans and ended up punching himself in the face.

Democrats are in a shockingly reactionary moment.

They reflexively defend anything Republicans are against.

So when Republicans say they are against literal pornography in public schools, Democrats defend it.

Those darn Republicans

Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel did precisely that when he accused Republicans of banning books.

Kimmel said, “It’s also World Book Day today or as the state of Florida calls it, Bonfire Day. All jokes aside, this World Book Day is a weird one. There are at least 100 bills in various red states, three of which have become law already, threatening librarians with prison for the crime of lending books. Books that aren’t government-approved. Which to me, not only is this the opposite of what our country’s supposed to be about, it’s completely nuts. We’re going to throw librarians in jail for loaning out Huckleberry Finn. This is not what they signed up for. I think it’s disgusting and wrong and anti-American.”

He then showed a clip of librarians speaking out against the book “bans.”

First, Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird have been banned by left-wing school districts because they contain “racial epithets” and perpetuate the “white savior complex.”

For example, Burbank, California removed To Kill a Mockingbird from the reading list.

The second lie was that Judy Blume’s books are being pulled.

In reality, books that depict graphic sex—with illustrations—are being removed.


Authors in their own words

The authors themselves say that the books are not appropriate for kids.

Maia Kobabe, author of the book Gender Queer, which includes illustrations of fellatio, told The Washington Post, “It keeps being called a children’s book. . .but I think that’s coming from a misreading of the comic-book form. ‘Gender Queer’ is a comic, and in full color, but that doesn’t mean it’s for children. I originally wrote it for my parents, and then for older teens who were already asking these questions about themselves. I don’t recommend this book for kids!”

Jonathan Evison, author of the controversial book Lawn Boy, made similar statements.

The Washington Post reported that “Evison said his novel, an exploration of racial assumptions and the failures of late capitalism, is meant for adults. If schools want to offer the text, he said, they should restrict access to older students. ‘Nobody below a teenager is ready for that book,’ Evison said. ‘It’s got a lot of adult stuff.’”

The third lie is that the books are being banned.

They are being removed from public school classrooms and libraries.

They are still available in public libraries, and they are available wherever books are sold.

The issue is over their appropriateness in public schools where parents have far less supervision.

Even Bill Maher has finally come around on the issue.

Maher even said that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was correct, and his rant did not even include a sucker punch that hit Republicans.


Kimmel and other Democrat propagandists will not be able to run and hide on this issue forever.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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Never-Trumper paid by CNN just flushed his last ounce of credibility with one statement




Donald Trump broke the brain of the Democrat Party.

He also mentally destroyed the RINOs of the GOP.

And a Never-Trumper paid by CNN just flushed his last ounce of credibility with one statement.

Permanent Washington hates change.

That’s why candidates who try to shake things up get targeted for destruction.

Donald Trump learned that over the past eight years.

But the Washington, D.C. Swamp has several tactics.

One thing it does is subvert and co-opt movements, which is precisely what happened to the Tea Party.

RINO Adam Kinzinger

A movement that was about adhering to fiscal responsibility ended up ushering in frauds like Adam Kinzinger into Congress.

Kinzinger waited for his opportunity to knife Trump in the back and took it after January 6.

Illinois Democrats rewarded him by gerrymandering his Congressional district out of existence, which forced him to take a paid contributorship spot at CNN.

Now Kinzinger is endorsing Joe Biden for President in 2024.

Endorsing Biden because “democracy”

Kinzinger said in a video message, “As a proud conservative, I’ve always put democracy and our Constitution above all else. . .And it’s because of my unwavering support for democracy that today, as a proud conservative, I’m endorsing Joe Biden for reelection.”

Kinzinger organized the Principles First Conference, which was simply an advertisement for the war in Ukraine.

Endless wars are all that Republicans like Kinzinger and Liz Cheney care about.

Everything else is secondary, or insignificant.

That’s why Kinzinger has no qualms about endorsing Biden.

He knows that Biden will keep the gravy train going in Ukraine for as long as humanly possible.

Kinzinger added, “I never thought I’d be endorsing a Democrat for president. . .[Biden] will always protect the very thing that makes America the best country in the world — our democracy.” 

Kinzinger and the talking heads in the corporate-controlled press just keep saying “democracy” over and over again, as if that excuses all of the anti-Democratic actions undertaken by the Democrats.

For example, Joe Biden strong-armed every business in the country with 50 or more employees to force their workers to take the COVID vaccine.

The only thing that stopped Biden was the Supreme Court, which would have gone the other way if Hillary Clinton had been elected in 2016 and got three justice appointees.

The Biden White House pressured Big Tech companies to censor true information about COVID.

Biden has repeatedly boasted about defying a Supreme Court ruling declaring that he did not have the authority to unilaterally forgive student loans.

And that is just scratching the service.

Biden and the Democrats have unleashed unprecedented lawfare against their political opponents.

Trump officials have been sentenced to time in prison for Contempt of Congress, but Attorney General Merrick Garland got off scot-free for the same charge, as did former Barack Obama Attorney General Eric Holder.

Kinzinger is the epitome of the establishment.

It should come as no surprise that he would endorse Biden because he has zero integrity.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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Whoopi Goldberg did something so disgusting on The View it will have you changing the channel




No show spouts dumb DNC talking points more faithfully than ABC’s The View.

The hosts take turns expressing the most awful takes.

And Whoopi Goldberg did something so disgusting on The View it will have you changing the channel.

Democrats and their media allies have attempted to turn Donald Trump’s name into a four-letter word.

And Whoopi Goldberg of The View did precisely that when she spoke Trump’s name, then pretended to spit.

Unsurprisingly, the disgusting gesture drew wild applause from the trained audience.

Trump vs. Biden debate

The moment came during a discussion on the upcoming debate between Trump and Joe Biden.

The panel took umbrage at the implication that Biden takes drugs before speeches when he needs to be charged up.

RINO Alyssa Farah Griffin said, “I just wish we could get to a place where there was enough respect for the American presidency. You don’t have to respect the individual but the American presidency to not just casually insinuate baselessly that the commander-in-chief is on drugs and it’s being echoed by members of Congress, who, again, I wish they had enough dignity and respect for the offices they hold. Our allies and adversaries are watching; we look like morons.”

This is the same woman who was a member of the Trump administration five minutes before January 6.

Since then, she’s rebranded herself as a Never-Trumper who will say whatever a network tells her.

Meanwhile, the Democrats and their comrades in the press said over and over that Trump was a Russian spy who urinated on prostitutes in a hotel room.

They also said he was crazy and that the 25th Amendment needed to be invoked.

Joy Behar jumped in and said, “How about give him a lie detector test!”

She was talking about Trump, but Biden would certainly fail one of those.

He stood before the American people in 2020 and said that Hunter Biden’s laptop was a Russian disinformation operation.

Spitting mad

Goldberg added, “I don’t think that we have to—I think it would be remiss of us to not say, ‘Joe Biden knows how to do this’. . .He knows how to do this. He’s quite good at this, and, you know, you can’t refute anything with him because he just—when I say ‘him,’ I mean. . .Trump. He tends to just. . .”

That’s when Goldberg turned her head to the side and pretended to spit.

But they want to return decorum to American politics.

Goldberg continued, “I said his name. It was a trick and it made me do it. But I’m just saying that he—that Biden knows what not to do. You can’t refute that man, because he just spins and spins and spins. All you can really do is talk about what you do and how you do what you do.”

This is what passes for insightful commentary on the Left.

If the women of The View want better political discourse, they could begin with themselves.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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MSNBC panel melted down when one conservative told the truth about Biden’s border crisis




Joe Biden’s immigration policies have been an utter catastrophe.

Even prominent Democrats have begun to call out the administration.

And an MSNBC panel melted down when one conservative told the truth about Biden’s border crisis.

The establishment of both parties are in favor of unfettered immigration into the country, both legal and illegal.

Democrats want the future voters, and RINOs want the cheap laborers.

That is why Americans get endless waves of immigration whether they voted for it or not.

In fact, polls show that a majority of Americans want less immigration into the country.

That has not stopped Joe Biden’s administration from flooding the country with millions of illegal aliens.

MSNBC policing language in real-time

Kevin Roberts of the Heritage Foundation went behind enemy lines on MSNBC and debated the issue of immigration.

Roberts was challenged by Symone Sanders-Townsend and former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, who has become a mouthpiece for the Democrats in the Donald Trump era.

While Steele was challenging Roberts on the border crisis, he used the term “illegal immigrant” and was immediately chastised by Sanders-Townsend, reminding Steele that MSNBC uses the euphemistic term “undocumented.”

Sanders-Townsend showed zero empathy for the death of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, who was raped and murdered in Houston by two Venezuelan illegal aliens.

She trotted out the tired talking point that the “undocumented” commit crimes at a lower rate than natural-born Americans.

The data for that are incomplete because many states do not track citizenship status, but even if the claim were true, the crime rate for illegal aliens should be zero because they should not be in the country at all.

Illegal immigration has become a serious problem for the Democrats because it turns out that their voters, including Hispanics, do not like it, either.

Polls show that Trump has a sizable lead on Biden regarding immigration policy.

Americans trust Trump by over 20 points on the issue of immigration.

Even MSNBC host Al Sharpton acknowledged that the crisis at the southern border was an “invasion.”

What can be done

Roberts argued, “It is unjust and illegal and evil that more than 10 million illegal aliens have come to this country. It’s imperative that we send those people back, invite them back to come through the legal system.”

Some have said that mass deportation would be impossible and impractical.

However, simply cutting off benefits to illegal aliens would solve a big portion of the problem.

“There’s going to be a lot of self-deportation,” Roberts said.

That is the giant elephant in the room.

If illegal aliens stop getting free stuff, they will stop coming.

Roberts added, “Secondly, there are great plans using the Department of Homeland Security to return these people back to south of the border.”

Another strategy would be to heavily tax remittances being sent back to Mexico.

Democrats have incentivized illegal immigration, and that is causing massive problems around the country.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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