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A host for The View just said one thing about Hispanic Trump supporters that should have her looking for a new career



The hens that host The View like to fancy themselves as proud “social justice warriors.” 

They’re constantly pushing a woke narrative and championing so-called “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.”

But one of the radical hosts just said one thing about Hispanic Trump supporters that SHOULD have her looking for a new career. 

The cancel-culture double standard 

With the constantly moving goalposts and the hair-trigger of the cancel culture mob, just one word can be perceived as offensive to one of the Left’s preferred so-called “victim” groups. 

The woke outrage mob tried to cancel Tim Allen for wanting to keep Christ in Christmas in his The Santa Clauses series. 

They went after Jason Aldean for a building in the background of his Try That in a Small Town music video. 

They got Gina Carrano fired from Disney+ for correctly pointing out that Adolph Hitler disarmed the German populous. 

Kansas City Chief’s kicker Harrison Butker is currently under fire – and having his words completely mischaracterized – for giving a Catholic speech to a Catholic audience at a Catholic college. 

And Iowa Hawkeye record-breaker turned Indiana Fever star Caitlin Clark hasn’t said a word — but is still being attacked simply for being straight and white while playing in the WNBA. 

But if you’re one of the left-wing hosts of The View – even one who claims to be a “Republican” – you can spew blatantly racist comments, and as long as they’re aimed at the right they get a pass. 

And The View’s Ana Navarro just proved it. 

Trump builds a naturally diverse coalition 

Back in 2012, according to the Pew Research Center, then-incumbent President Barack Obama won 71% of the Hispanic vote, compared to just 27% for Mitt Romney.

After more than a year of Hilary Clinton, Mitt Romney, and the corporate-controlled media calling him a racist, then-candidate Donald Trump actually closed the Hispanic voting gap from +44 for the Democrats in 2012 to +38 for Democrats in 2016.

But after four years of Trump immigration policies, Republicans fared even better with Hispanic voters.

In 2020, Pew reported Joe Biden won 59% of the Hispanic vote, compared to 38% for Trump.

That’s another 17-point swing toward the red team.

In a June 2022 special election, Republican Myra Flores won a special election in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas – a long-term strong-hold for Democrats.

During the 2022 midterms, the GOP continued to improve with Hispanic voters, especially in states like Florida and Texas. 

And in the lead-up to the 2024 election, poll after poll shows Trump and Republicans truly turning the Hispanic vote into a swing vote. 

And The View’s Ana Navarro isn’t happy about it. 

Big Media believes Hispanic Trump supporters are “stupid” 

During the 2020 Presidential election campaign, then-former Vice President Joe Biden infamously said to black voters, “if you don’t know if you’re voting for me or Trump, then you’re not black.” 

Now, Never Trump “Republican” Navarro is saying something similar, but her racist comments are targeted at Hispanic Trump supporters. 

Navarro’s comments – which would have her being targeted by the cancel culture mob if she had said the same exact thing about Hispanic Biden supporters – came during an interview with Jim Acosta on CNN’s Newsroom

“You and I’ve talked about this many times about his rhetoric, the rhetoric (Trump) uses to talk about migrants and so on,” Acosta started. “I just have to ask you, when you look at the poll numbers and you see if you break out the demographics Trump is doing better among Latinos. He is doing better among African-American voters. It certainly is a threat to the president’s reelection campaign. What do you make it this disconnect?”

Instead of pointing out that the “rhetoric” Acosta is speaking of is blown out of proportion by Big Media, Navarro dove headfirst into the corporate-controlled media’s phony narrative of Trump as a racist. 

“This is the truth, and you and I know this, as Latinos, there are some Latino immigrants who forget they came here as immigrants and who want to shut the door behind them,” Navarro said. “And they think being anti-immigrant somehow is going to make them pass as more American, pass as whatever. And that’s a very stupid attitude to have.”

In her comments, Navarro first ignored the difference between legal and illegal immigration. 

Next, she said Trump-voting Hispanics are only doing so to “pass as more American.” 

And then she called Hispanics who vote for Trump stupid. 

Just imagine the outrage had a real Republican said the same thing about Biden-voting Hispanics. 

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*


MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough once again proved he is the epitome of the ignorance plaguing modern journalism




Trust in mainstream media has plummeted to a record low in recent years.

Some journalists have taken the hint and moved away from the narrative at the major outlets.

But MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough is doubling down to prove he is the epitome of ignorance.

The Wall Street Journal excoriates Biden over his “slipping” condition

Earlier this month, The Wall Street Journal published an article that promised to give Americans an inside look at what is happening in and around the White House. 

The article was titled Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping, and it was based on interviews from 45 different people in Washington.

All those close to Biden point to the same trend—a faltering mental acuity.

The piece boasts that it covered interviews with both “Republicans and Democrats who either participated in meetings with Biden or were briefed on them contemporaneously.” 

But they led with a quote from Speaker McCarthy. 

“I used to meet with him when he was vice president. . .he’s not the same person,” McCarthy said.

Andrew Bates, a White House spokesperson, released a statement condemning the report. 

“It’s a little surprising that The Wall Street Journal thought it was breaking news when congressional republicans told them the same false claims they’ve spouted on Fox News for years. . .”

Unsurprisingly, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough jumped in the ring.

Scarborough says that “there is no comparison” between Biden and McCarthy

Scarborough has been a vocal supporter of Biden for years. 

In March, the fake news journalist took to the air to defend Biden in a rant about how “this version of Biden, intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever.” 

And added an “eff you” to anyone who “can’t handle the truth.”

Now, Scarborough is back to defend “the best Biden ever” in response to The Wall Street Journal article. 

Instead of focusing on the Democrats that were interviewed, he zeroed in on McCarthy. 

“I have spent a good bit of time talking to Kevin McCarthy through the years and hours with Biden in 2024. . .[and] there is no comparison,” he wrote.

“Biden is far sharper, more intellectually curious, and far more insightful on global affairs than any House GOP speaker I have met over 30 years,” Scarborough claimed.

But other journalists stepped in to publicly shame the Morning Joe host.

If Biden is so good “behind-the-scenes” then it needs to be filmed

Joe Concha, a Fox News contributor was quick to note Scarborough’s detachment from reality. 

“Democrats who met with Biden privately voiced concerns yesterday about his cognitive decline. Two-thirds of American voters believe Biden’s age and acuity is a major issue in this campaign. Yet. . .” 

The contributing Editor at The Spectator wondered how people can support Biden while he “keeps letting them down because we all have eyes and ears.” 

A columnist at the online news outlet, Townhall, defended McCarthy saying the former Speaker “may not be a genius, but he doesn’t have an intern mortality rate.” 

People are not fooled by Scarborough’s ridiculous claims and it would serve him to just walk away. Even Joh Stewart knows the truth. 

In March, the comedian and political commentator suggested to Democrats that they give up the charade. 

“If you’re telling us behind-the-scenes he’s sharp and full of energy on top of it. . .you should film that,” he said.

Stay tuned to Pants on Fire news for any updates to this ongoing story.

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Late-night comedian interviewed Kamala Harris in one disgraceful campaign stunt




Democrats know Joe Biden is in trouble.

They’re hoping his surrogates can pick up the load.

And a late-night comedian interviewed Kamala Harris in one disgraceful campaign stunt.

Joe Biden is a terrible communicator at this point.

He can barely string two sentences together.

That’s why he and the Democrats are depending on others to pick up the slack with media blitzes.

First Lady Jill Biden recently went on The View for the umpteenth time, and Hollywood actor Robert De Niro gave a stump speech outside Donald Trump’s bogus hush money trial in Manhattan.

Harris trying to pump up Biden

Now, Vice President Kamala Harris is stumping for Biden by going on the Democrat-controlled shows.

She recently appeared on Jimmy Kimmel’s late-night show to sell the sham conviction of Trump and push for pro-abortion policies.

Democrats know the case was not on the level, which means the verdict requires intense amounts of propaganda.

Harris told Kimmel, “Just to kind of really level set — let’s think about this. . .A jury of 12 people, peers, over the course of six weeks deliberated on the evidence and facts and unanimously determined guilt for 34 felony counts. . .There was a defense attorney who actively participated in selecting that jury, who actively made decisions about witnesses to call, witnesses to cross-examine, and the jury made their decision. . .The reality is cheaters don’t like getting caught.”

That sure is a high-level analysis from a former prosecutor.

Of course, Harris left out all of the relevant details, such as George Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg concocted a novel legal theory in order to charge Trump with a felony.

Harris continued, “The American people want to know that there is a president who believes that they are accountable to the people.”

Trump currently leads in all seven battleground states, so apparently the American people saw the Manhattan case for what it was.

The “right” to kill babies

At another point in the interview, Harris compared the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Dobbs case to the notorious Dred Scott decision.

Harris said, “Well we, in our history, we know, I mean look at the Dred Scott decision. This is not the first time that we know the Court can make decisions that violate the civil rights of the people. But this is when we have to praise the fact that we still have an intact democracy with three co-equal branches of government. So what the Supreme Court took away, Congress can put back in place. And that’s where the people come in. With your right to then elect the people in the United States Congress who will fight and protect your freedom and put aside their personal opinion about what’s best for themselves, or their family, and let you make the decision that’s best for you and your family.”

The Democrats have been using the Supreme Court as a super-legislature for decades to force decrees that they could not pass through the Congressional process.

With a conservative tilt on the court, Democrats can no longer depend on that.

That is why the Left have been so aggressive in attacking the Supreme Court.

Whenever the Democrats don’t get their way, they pitch a fit.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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Former ESPN reporter posted one video that made Democrats’ heads explode




Corporate-controlled media outlets almost exclusively lean to the Left.

That includes sports networks.

But a former ESPN reporter posted one video that made Democrats’ heads explode.

Five-time Sports Emmy Award winner Michele Tafoya is well-known to football fans for her sideline coverage.

She covered football for ABC, CBS, ESPN, and NBC.

But Tafoya stepped away from her career in sports media to venture into politics.

Hobnobbing with Republicans

And Tafoya ruffled feathers because she has been advocating for Republican candidates.

She recently attended with Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) and Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-TX).

While sports fans might be apolitical or even lean Right, the people who cover sports are wildly liberal.

In 2016, a greater percentage of sports reporters voted for Hillary Clinton than did news reporters.

The oversaturation of left-wing politics in sports laid the groundwork for Clay Travis’s Outkick to rise to prominence via counterprogramming.

Tafoya’s journey into politics likely began when she appeared on The View in 2021.

“Woke” media turns on Tafoya

She told the panelists, “Why are we even teaching that the color of the skin matters? Because to me, what matters is your character and your values.”

What Tafoya said was borderline heresy.

After those comments, she mysteriously went on hiatus at NBC Sports.

Liberal sports media mogul Bill Simmons speculated at the time, “There’s some good conspiracy stuff going on about this. . .Because she hosted The View at the beginning of November. She was in the conservative seat, then a couple weeks later, all of a sudden, just on a bye. Taking a break. It would be one thing if the show was on 52 weeks a year, but it’s only on 17 weeks a year. Do you need three weeks off during a 17-week season?” 

Soon after, Tafoya announced that she was stepping away from her broadcasting gig.

She said, “I got to a point in my life where I wanted to try other things, and there are some things that are really important to me. . .This is not to say that sports isn’t an important field, that my job isn’t an important job. But in my position, I was not as free to be as vocal about world events that I’m concerned about.”

Sports broadcasters are allowed to hold every left-wing position under the sun, but even mildly conservative views are met with skepticism.

Tafoya added, “It’s not because I was told to shut up. . .I want to be very clear about that. But look, if you’re on a show like ‘Sunday Night Football,’ which is the No. 1 show in primetime for 11 straight years, unprecedented, the last thing they want to do is invite controversy.”

Tafoya would be considered a moderate Republican, but even that position is too “far-right” for people in the sports business.

For instance, Tafoya was invited onto sports journalist Dan LeBatard’s show where she was ambushed by LeBatard’s lackey producers because of her political views.

LeBatard, who has leaned into “wokeness,” is indicative of the leftward tilt in sports coverage.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*
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