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Joy Reid attacked Clarence Thomas with one accusation that made conservatives sick to their stomachs



Democrats and their media allies continue to attack the Supreme Court.

They seek to destroy any person or institution they do not control.

And Joy Reid made one sickening accusation against Clarence Thomas.

The Showtime docu-series Deadlocked was one of many left-wing attacks on the Supreme Court in recent years.

One of the left-wing pundits in the series talked about how the Supreme Court was a vehicle for social change, which was never its function.

Democrats turn on the Supreme Court

Now that the court has a conservative lean, Democrats no longer respect it and actively attempt to destroy it.

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said that Democrats should pack the court, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) argued that Democrats should ignore Supreme Court rulings altogether.

The main target of the Left’s vitriol is Justice Clarence Thomas, whom the Democrats have hated for 40 years since his days in the Reagan administration.

Left-wing outlet ProPublica published a series of hit pieces aimed at attacking Thomas’ integrity and establishing a pretext for Democrats to call for his recusal, resignation, and even impeachment.

The hit pieces were all nothing-burgers, but the intention was and is clear.

Destroy Thomas at all costs 

MSNBC host Joy Reid has ripped Thomas endlessly, and now she accused him of selling out for a “fabulous lifestyle.”

Reid had on author Clay Cane, who called Thomas’ wife Ginni the “10th member of the Supreme Court,” implying that Thomas does not even have his own agency as a Justice.

Reid agreed, and Cane continued, “That’s what I call her. Hey, listen, he put in a blueprint. He’s etched it in stone and he is—it’s been profitable for him. I guess he’ll be on more yachts from Harlan Crow.”

The 30-year friendship between Crow and Thomas has been scandalized by the Democrat-controlled media even though Thomas has never tried any cases involving Crow.

Of course, Democrats have zero concerns about any liberal justices hobnobbing with left-wing billionaires.

Reid added, “He’s essentially trading and I don’t know if he believes this stuff or not, but essentially his votes are traded for a fabulous lifestyle that he couldn’t get from a job and the irony is he couldn’t get the job you wanted to be a rich lawyer because of racism.”

Reid is accusing Thomas of not having any integrity, the same Reid who claimed that her mid-aughts blog posts that expressed quasi-conservative beliefs were “hacked.”

If anyone is betraying beliefs for a fabulous lifestyle, it’s the person hosting a show on MSNBC. 

Pants on Fire News will keep you updated as this story develops.

Cat 2

USA Today wants to crack down on free speech because of one pro-gun advocate




Leftists are not big fans of the first two Amendments.

Those fundamental rights get in the way of their agenda.

Now USA Today wants to crack down on speech because of one pro-gun advocate.

Kyle Rittenhouse nearly had his life destroyed.

During the Summer of George Floyd, rioting and looting broke out in Kenosha, Wisconsin after the shooting of Jacob Blake.

The police were called to a domestic dispute with Blake.

He resisted arrest and reached for a knife when he was shot multiple times by officers; Blake lived and received a settlement from the city.

Rittenhouse was charged with murder while defending himself against multiple attackers, one of whom pointed a gun at him.

Self-defense on trial

The Left wanted Rittenhouse desperately because a conviction would have struck a blow against self-defense rights.

Rittenhouse was acquitted and has since written a book.

He went on a speaking tour, which infuriated USA Today.

The paper published a piece with the headline: “Shooter Rittenhouse’s tour draws outrage. College gun-rights events raise questions about free speech and its impact.”

So speaking about Second Amendment rights “raises questions” about First Amendment rights?

USA Today wrote, “He has since penned a book, ‘Acquitted,’ and has set out on a series of college speaking events dubbed the ‘Rittenhouse Recap.’ He is slated to appear Thursday at Clemson University in South Carolina. Rittenhouse is selling books, and ostensibly promoting the right to bear arms on campus, but he’s also trying to persuade young people to join the conservative movement.”

And that is why the Left are particularly upset.

They do not want young people joining the conservative movement.

USA Today also attempted to smear the conservative youth group Turning Point USA because the Left do not want to lose any cultural power.

As for Rittenhouse, the press slandered him repeatedly.

Bad reporting

After he was acquitted, CNN and other outlets quickly set the record straight, perhaps to indemnify themselves.

Press outlets retracted the statement that Rittenhouse “crossed state lines” with the “illegally purchased” AR-15.

They also clarified that Rittenhouse acted in self-defense; the entire ordeal was captured on camera.

Ana Kasparian of the far-left outlet The Young Turks even admitted to her audience that she got the story wrong because she trusted corporate-controlled media outlets.

Kasparian said on a podcast, “I come across a New York Times video. . .that showed you in slow motion how everything transpired that night. And once you see it for yourself, it’s really, really difficult to argue that in those moments, he was not acting in self-defense. . .[T]here was a lot of misreporting about how Rittenhouse was in possession of an illegal weapon and that he crossed state lines with that illegal weapon. So, that was a lie.”

But according to USA Today, it’s bad that Rittenhouse is using free speech to clear his name and advocate for 2A rights.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*
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Biden torpedoed his campaign with one interview that went off the rails




Joe Biden continues to lag behind Donald Trump in the polls.

Fawning press coverage has not been able to save him.

And Biden torpedoed his campaign with one interview that went off the rails.

Joe Biden has notoriously avoided interviews as President.

Even the Democrat-controlled media have grown frustrated with him.

Biden ducked out of the softball Super Bowl interview with CBS, and recently The New York Times slammed him for refusing to sit down for interviews.

Donald Trump, perhaps even to his detriment, routinely spoke to The Times and everyone at the paper hates his guts.

Another disastrous interview

Biden finally sat down for a long interview, and it was with shock-jock-turned-Democrat-shill Howard Stern.

During the interview, Biden told multiple whoppers that have been debunked by the press.

For instance, Biden claimed that he got arrested during a civil rights protest.

He told Stern, “[Mom] said, ‘Remember when they were desegregating Lynnfield, the neighborhood … suburbia — and I told you — and there was a Black family moving in and there was — people were down there protesting; I told you not to go down there, and you went down, remember that? And you got arrested standing on the porch with a Black family? And they brought you back, the police?’ And I said, ‘Yeah, Mom, I remember that.’”

In light of the interview, The Times reported that Biden “appeared to once again stretch the truth about being arrested at a Delaware desegregation protest as a teenager. There is no evidence that he was ever arrested at a civil-rights protest.”

Biden also claimed that when he was a Senator in the 1970s, women sent him “salacious pictures,” but he handed them off to the Secret Service; senators do not get Secret Service details.

Biden also claimed that he was “runner-up in state scoring” in football in high school, which is another whopper.


Biden has been lying about his record throughout his entire career.

Biden gets away with it because the Democrat-controlled Media lets him.

They would rather ruin whatever journalistic integrity they have left, which isn’t much these days, than see Donald Trump back in the White House.

Long track record of falsehoods

Biden had to drop out of the 1988 presidential race because he got caught plagiarizing a speech and lying about his law school résumé.

Just recently, Biden said that his “Uncle Bosie” was eaten by cannibals in New Guinea during World War II.

When asked about it, White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, blew off the question and acted as if the question was somehow an attack on Biden’s “Uncle Bosie” instead of another Biden slip-up.

And the story was swept under the rug after that.

Biden has always had a loose relationship with the truth, but in his advanced age, he’s not nearly as good at selling the tall tales.

And the Democrat-controlled media refuses to call him out for it. 

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*
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Paul Ryan took a victory lap that had Democrat-controlled media outlets laughing at him




Donald Trump’s administration was undermined from the beginning.

Establishment Republicans were a huge reason why.

And former House Speaker Paul Ryan took a victory lap that had Democrat-controlled media outlets laughing at him.

Permanent Washington, D.C. does not want things to change.

Beltway elites like the current arrangement because it benefits them and their cronies.

That’s why former House Speaker Paul Ryan congratulated current House Speaker Mike Johnson for passing a gigantic spending package that sold out the Republican base.

Gave away the store

Johnson signed onto more funding for Ukraine, both sides of the war in Gaza, and Taiwan.

Nowhere in the bill was funding for the United States southern border.

But establishment Republicans like Ryan were giddy over the deal.

Ryan told Axios that Speaker Johnson “found his footing, and his voice. . .[H]e did it as a statesman, risking his own personal political fortune for the greater good that he believes in.”

However, Johnson flip-flopped on additional Ukraine funding and border security.

He did not find his footing; he got steamrolled.

Ryan can relate because during the Obama era, he got bombarded when he proposed entitlement reform, then quickly shut up about the issue.

Top Ryan staffer Brendan Buck wrote in The New York Times, “A party unable to bring its agenda to the floor for a vote is no longer a functional majority.”

The top priorities of establishment Republicans are passing bills and dodging bad headlines from Democrat-controlled media in order to stay in office.

They do not particularly care what their constituents want.

Meanwhile, left-leaning outlet Punchbowl News reported that Johnson gave Joe Biden “pretty much everything. . .without having to concede much in return.”

That has been the story of the Republican Party for decades; give the Democrats what they want without anything in return.

Who the establishment hates

Ryan and other establishment players save their ire for people like Tucker Carlson.

People have long wondered why Carlson was fired from Fox News despite having the top-rated show on the network; Fox News still has not stated a reason.

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) gave a clue when he was asked why the Ukraine funding package took so long to pass.

McConnell said, “I think the demonization of Ukraine began by Tucker Carlson, who in my opinion ended up where he should’ve been all along, which is interviewing [Russian President] Vladimir Putin. . .He had an enormous audience, which convinced a lot of rank-and-file Republicans that maybe this was a mistake.”

And that’s why Carlson had to go.

Who is a member of the Fox News Board of Directors?

Paul Ryan.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*
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