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Biden administration forced to address one huge concern about the President that everyone is talking about



Joe Biden continues to trail Donald Trump in the polls.

Desperation is setting in for the Democrats.

And the Biden administration had no choice but to address one huge concern with the President.

Joe Biden is clearly in mental decline.

The Democrats have no good solution to that problem.

They chose to run him again in 2024 despite his advanced age, something that even Hillary Clinton acknowledged was “an issue.”

Democrat Newspeak to help Biden

In a desperate attempt to answer Biden’s growing gaffes, Democrats and their media allies have begun using the propaganda term “cheap fake.”

A “deepfake” is a digital video or audio clip that has been manufactured or manipulated in a way to push a lie.

Most deepfakes are clearly not real, such as a celebrity saying something completely outrageous or nonsensical.

Cheap fakes are videos that have been minimally altered, such as cropping the video or taking a clip that robs it of context.

An obvious example was when the Democrat-controlled press suggested that Donald Trump committed a faux pas when he dumped feed into a koi pond; the press cut out the part where he simply copied what former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had just done.

Now, the Democrats and their media allies are implying that Biden is simply a victim of cheap fakes.

In other words, they want people not to believe their “lyin’ eyes.”

White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates posted on Twitter a video of CNN host Abby Phillip pointing out so-called cheap fakes.


Amazingly, Phillip committed a cheap fake while trying to debunk The New York Post; the clip did not include Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni taking Biden by the hand and reining him in like a wayward toddler.

Media and the White House working in lockstep

During a recent press event, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was given a softball question about cheap fakes.

A reporter asked, “[T]here seems to be a sort of rash of videos that have been edited to make the President appear especially frail or mentally confused. I’m wondering if the — the White House is especially worried about the fact that this appears to be a pattern that we’re seeing more — more often?”

Jean-Pierre responded, “Yeah, we — and I think you all have called this the ‘cheap fakes’ video.  And that’s exactly what they are. They are cheap fakes video. They are done in bad faith. And — and some of your news organization have — have been very clear, have stressed that these right-wing — the right-wing critics of the President have a credibility problem because of — the fact checkers have repeatedly caught them pushing misinformation, disinformation.”

Unfortunately for the Democrats, there are countless examples of Biden’s gaffes.

The idea that they’re all deceptively edited cheap fakes is laughable.

Democrats and their media comrades know they have a problem on their hands.

Former top Clinton adviser James Carville admitted that Biden should not have run for re-election.

The Democrats are stuck with him, so they are ratcheting up the propaganda to make up for his clear deficiencies.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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Fox News turned into MSNBC when one guest was completely shouted down




The Democrat-controlled media despise any entity that threatens their monopoly.

That’s why Fox News has been vilified by the Left for decades.

But Fox News turned into MSNBC when one guest was completely shouted down.

In the minds of Democrats and their media allies, Fox News is the epitome of evil.

Other than conservative talk radio, Fox News was the only widely available news outlet for right-of-center Americans.

Boogeyman News

For decades, the Left has demonized Fox News and attacked its sponsors, all to put pressure on the network to fire certain opinion hosts.

Some Democrats even tried to draft legislation to deep-six Fox News altogether.

The great irony of the Democrats’ war on Fox News is that it is not the fire-breathing right-wing network that the Left believes it to be.

For instance, former University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines was shut down by a Fox News host for saying something true.

Gaines was asked by host Arthel Neville if WNBA rookie sensation Caitlin Clark was snubbed by being left off the women’s Olympic team.

Neville asked, “So, Riley, how do you see it? Caitlin does not have a gold medal, and the rest of the team, they had seven practices while Caitlin was still playing with the WNBA. So does this make the decision fair?”

Gaines responded, “Yeah. To your point, the USA basketball chair, the governing board. . .their job is to win. It’s not about popularity — as it shouldn’t be. So let’s look at the facts here. Caitlin Clark was the number one overall draft pick this year. She holds many Big Ten NCAA records for collegiate women’s basketball.”

Number one overall picks have been invited onto Team USA before, so there is precedent.

Gaines added that “the USA basketball chair actually said it would be ‘irresponsible’ to put Caitlin Clark on the U.S. women’s Olympic basketball team, all while putting Brittney Griner on the team. But she’s been out since the second game of the season with a toe fracture. She might not even be playing again for another month. So I think with the extreme controversy that she brings, the exclusion of Clark. Women’s basketball has likely cost itself many millions of viewers.”

This comment set off Neville.

Gaines chastised by Fox News host

Neville replied, “I’m not sure what you mean by the controversy that Brittney Griner brings to the game. I mean, that’s kind of not fair to say without explanation.”

Griner was imprisoned in Russia and eventually released in a prisoner exchange for Viktor Bout, also known as “The Merchant of Death.”

The Nicolas Cage movie Lord of War was based on him.

Gaines continued, “Well, I mean, I think given everything that happened overseas, given that she was put in jail. I mean, the controversy is certainly there whether we want it there or not.”

Neville interrupted, “Not her fault! And wrongly accused! . . . Not fair to bring that up! So we’re going to delete that! Okay? Let’s you and I continue. Again, I like you a lot.”

Neville clearly did not know what she was talking about.

Griner was not wrongly accused.

She got caught with drug paraphernalia at the airport, and Russia has strict drug laws.

One could argue that Griner was excessively charged and held as a political prisoner, but she was not “wrongly accused.”

And as Gaines pointed out, her inclusion on the team is undoubtedly controversial.

This is not the first time Fox News went full MSNBC.

Newt Gingrich once got shut down for invoking George Soros’ name.

Fox News also aired a segment promoting gender transition for minors.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*
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The New York Times is already trying to kneecap Trump’s second administration




Donald Trump’s presidency was hamstrung by the deep state.

He had to withstand four years of a soft coup.

And The New York Times is already trying to kneecap Trump’s second administration.

Democrats and their media allies are beginning to grapple with the reality that Donald Trump very well could get a second term.

On January 7, 2021, that seemed like an impossibility.

But Democrats overplayed their hands with unprecedented lawfare, and Joe Biden has so badly mismanaged the country.

Trump has maintained a consistent lead in the polls, and he’s currently beating Biden in all seven battleground states.

Unless something dramatic changes in the next four months, Trump will be the 47th President of the United States.

And the Democrats are already preparing for that eventuality.

Democrat plans if Trump wins

They are trying to Trump-proof the White House with laws and legal maneuvering.

And The New York Times is presenting this disturbing behavior as if it’s not only normal, but necessary.

The Times reported that enemies of “Donald J. Trump are drafting potential lawsuits in case he is elected in November and carries out mass deportations, as he has vowed. One group has hired a new auditor to withstand any attempt by a second Trump administration to unleash the Internal Revenue Service against them. Democratic-run state governments are even stockpiling abortion medication.”

Democrats’ fears about the IRS are particularly galling because the Obama administration famously used the organization to go after conservative and faith-based nonprofit organizations.

And mysteriously, the emails of former IRS Exempt Organizations Director Lois Lerner disappeared.

Democrats have a nasty habit of having thousands of emails deleted amid scandals.

The New York Times added that a “sprawling network of Democratic officials, progressive activists, watchdog groups and ex-Republicans has been taking extraordinary steps to prepare for a potential second Trump presidency, drawn together by the fear that Mr. Trump’s return to power would pose a grave threat not just to their agenda but to American democracy itself.”

There is no deep state, and thank God for the deep state

The Left continues to prove true conservative writer Michael Anton’s Law of Salutary Contradiction, which follows: “that’s not happening, and it’s good that it is.”

In other words, the Left accuses the Right of complaining about a problem that does not exist, but it’s also good that that nonexistent problem exists.

For example, the Left called Trump a conspiracy theorist for complaining about the deep state, and then the same media outlets hailed the deep state as heroes.

Trump is paranoid, and it’s good that unseen forces are working against him behind the scenes.

Joanna Lydgate—the Chief Executive of States United Democracy Center, a nonpartisan democracy watchdog organization that works with state officials in both parties—told The Times, “Trump has made clear that he’ll disregard the law and test the limits of our system. . .What we’re staring down is extremely dark.”

Meanwhile, the Democrats are attempting to block Trump from exercising legal executive branch powers granted by the Constitution.

They’re doing this as Joe Biden is bragging about circumventing the Supreme Court and forging ahead with student loan forgiveness.

Also, prominent figures like Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) have called for the Supreme Court to be packed, a scheme that even Ruth Bader Ginsburg believed was abhorrent.

Constitutional lawyer Jonathan Turley put it best in a recent column titled, “Can Democracy Survive the ‘Defenders of Democracy’?”

Democrats are trampling over the Constitution and institutional norms because of their monomaniacal hatred of Donald Trump.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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Fani Willis’ scandal went from bad to worse with one interview that she wishes never happened




The Georgia case against Donald Trump is falling apart.

The personal life of Fani Willis has now become the story.

And Willis’ scandal went from bad to worse with one disastrous interview.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is desperately hanging onto her RICO prosecution against Donald Trump.

However, her affair with prosecutor Nathan Wade has completely blown up the case.

Willis brought Wade onto the case and paid him hundreds of thousands of dollars despite his total lack of experience in RICO cases.

Willis and Wade were also going on lavish cruises at the time.

The obvious impropriety imperiled the investigation into Trump, which spurred Democrats and their media allies to call for Willis to step down.

Nathan Wade crashing and burning

Wade fell on his sword, but the case is still teetering.

Now, Wade has embarked on a press tour in an attempt to clear his name.

And his latest interview on The Daily Show was an unmitigated disaster.

For some reason, Wade sat for an “interview” with comedian Marlon Wayans, who was in character as ‘Quon, a clownish persona in the style of Sacha Baron Cohen’s Borat or Ali G.’

At one point, Wayans asked, “I see it all happen, countless hours, and I need a foot rub, and, you know what I mean? She rubbed your foot like ‘here, let me give you a massage’ and all of a sudden we up on this desk. Man.”

Wade sheepishly responded, “No. Not even close. Not even close. Not even close.”

“‘Quon” also asked, “How can you not hit that? How can you not? We spending that much time together, we doing everything, we might as well!”

“Well, in terms of workplace romances, how many places have you worked?” Wade replied.

Wayans answered, “I probably worked, like, three or four places and everywhere I went it was a mess. So, she your boss? You on that Indecent Proposal—you on that Demi—what’s that white girl’s name that married to the dude from Die Hard?”

Wade blamed for putting democracy in peril

Wayans later asked, “So some people saying this sort of deal might have ruined the best chance to hold Trump accountable for trying to end democracy. Now, what would you say to all the haters out there who can’t get laid?”

Wade said, “Well, I don’t know what the haters are thinking, but what I will say is under my leadership, we successfully secured a valid legal indictment, the charging document.”

Wayans went a step further and said, “All right, young black men need a role model. What’s your advice to kids in the hood that’s out there that want to grow up and have they d*** potentially end democracy? That’s some lethal s*** if you ask me.”

Wade began to laugh and called for the camera to cut.

Whoever advised Wade to sit for this interview should be fired.

He embarrassed himself and he turned Willis’ investigation into a bigger joke than it already was.

It seemed that Wade could not sink lower than he did during an interview with CNN where his lawyer had to step in and advise him on how to answer a question without perjuring himself.

But this latest clown show interview takes the cake.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*
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