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USA Today wants to crack down on free speech because of one pro-gun advocate



Leftists are not big fans of the first two Amendments.

Those fundamental rights get in the way of their agenda.

Now USA Today wants to crack down on speech because of one pro-gun advocate.

Kyle Rittenhouse nearly had his life destroyed.

During the Summer of George Floyd, rioting and looting broke out in Kenosha, Wisconsin after the shooting of Jacob Blake.

The police were called to a domestic dispute with Blake.

He resisted arrest and reached for a knife when he was shot multiple times by officers; Blake lived and received a settlement from the city.

Rittenhouse was charged with murder while defending himself against multiple attackers, one of whom pointed a gun at him.

Self-defense on trial

The Left wanted Rittenhouse desperately because a conviction would have struck a blow against self-defense rights.

Rittenhouse was acquitted and has since written a book.

He went on a speaking tour, which infuriated USA Today.

The paper published a piece with the headline: “Shooter Rittenhouse’s tour draws outrage. College gun-rights events raise questions about free speech and its impact.”

So speaking about Second Amendment rights “raises questions” about First Amendment rights?

USA Today wrote, “He has since penned a book, ‘Acquitted,’ and has set out on a series of college speaking events dubbed the ‘Rittenhouse Recap.’ He is slated to appear Thursday at Clemson University in South Carolina. Rittenhouse is selling books, and ostensibly promoting the right to bear arms on campus, but he’s also trying to persuade young people to join the conservative movement.”

And that is why the Left are particularly upset.

They do not want young people joining the conservative movement.

USA Today also attempted to smear the conservative youth group Turning Point USA because the Left do not want to lose any cultural power.

As for Rittenhouse, the press slandered him repeatedly.

Bad reporting

After he was acquitted, CNN and other outlets quickly set the record straight, perhaps to indemnify themselves.

Press outlets retracted the statement that Rittenhouse “crossed state lines” with the “illegally purchased” AR-15.

They also clarified that Rittenhouse acted in self-defense; the entire ordeal was captured on camera.

Ana Kasparian of the far-left outlet The Young Turks even admitted to her audience that she got the story wrong because she trusted corporate-controlled media outlets.

Kasparian said on a podcast, “I come across a New York Times video. . .that showed you in slow motion how everything transpired that night. And once you see it for yourself, it’s really, really difficult to argue that in those moments, he was not acting in self-defense. . .[T]here was a lot of misreporting about how Rittenhouse was in possession of an illegal weapon and that he crossed state lines with that illegal weapon. So, that was a lie.”

But according to USA Today, it’s bad that Rittenhouse is using free speech to clear his name and advocate for 2A rights.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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Joe Biden’s shocking debate performance exposed one massive Karine Jean-Pierre lie




Joe Biden did everything but fall on his face during his debate with Donald Trump.

It was an absolute disaster for the Democrat Party.

And Biden’s shocking debate performance exposed one massive Karine Jean-Pierre lie.

Joe Biden is in clear cognitive decline.

That was obvious to anyone paying attention, and it became obvious to casual observers of politics during the first debate between Biden and Donald Trump.

When Biden has to do an extended press conference or speech, he usually comes out the gate with some energy, then fades off considerably.

Biden’s dreadful performance

However, in his debate with Trump, he was cooked from the get-go.

He mumbled, coughed, lost his train of thought, and looked spaced out the whole time.

Then at the end, he needed Jill Biden to guide him down some shallow steps.

Republicans and a handful of people on the Left have been saying for years that Biden was showing signs of dementia, and often looked confused at public events.

But those concerns were either shouted down or ignored altogether.

Recently, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and other Biden flaks began using the propaganda term “cheap fakes” to explain videos of Biden looking addled and lost.

Cheap fakes are the cousin of deepfakes, which are video or audio clips that are manipulated, often with AI, to create a fake impression of what the person was saying.

Deepfakes are generally easy to spot, but that could change as AI improves.

Cheap fake propaganda talking point goes bust

Cheap fakes, however, are videos that are minimally edited to change the context; for example the media used a cheap fake to make it seem as though Trump committed a blunder when he fed a koi pond in Japan.

The video cropped out former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe doing the exact same thing.

After countless videos of Biden looking befuddled, Jean-Pierre told reporters, “Yeah, we — and I think you all have called this the ‘cheap fakes’ video. And that’s exactly what they are. They are cheap fakes video. They are done in bad faith. And — and some of your news organization have — have been very clear, have stressed that these right-wing — the right-wing critics of the President have a credibility problem because of — the fact checkers have repeatedly caught them pushing misinformation, disinformation.”

There was nothing cheap or fake about Biden’s ghastly debate performance, by far the worst in Presidential history.

Perhaps the only moment that was worse occurred in the 2022 Pennsylvania Senatorial debate between John Fetterman and Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Fetterman could barely speak, but at least he had the excuse of being a literal stroke victim.

Biden had no such excuse.

He’s just well past his prime, and everybody saw it.

That makes Jean-Pierre’s comments about cheap fakes all the more ridiculous.

Biden’s team has tried to bully people into not believing their lying eyes.

But there was no sugar-coating what the entire world saw in the first—and maybe last—2024 Presidential debate.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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Democrat-controlled media came up with the most insane excuse for Biden’s pathetic debate performance




Joe Biden’s campaign went up in smoke after his debate with Donald Trump.

He was so bad that the end of his first term might be in peril.

And Democrat-controlled media came up with the most insane excuse for Biden’s pathetic debate performance.

If the Democrats were not panicking before, they most certainly are now after Joe Biden’s horrific showing in the first 2024 Presidential debate.

This is not part of the plan.

Democrats thought that they had vanquished Donald Trump for good after January 6.

However, Democrats and their media allies overplayed the Capitol Hill riot and tried to turn it into an “armed insurrection.”

Then the Democrats unleashed a torrent of unprecedented lawfare against Trump, which only made him more popular.

They thought that Biden would be far enough ahead in the polls that he could refuse to debate Trump, but he was actually trailing.

Biden had no choice but to challenge Trump to two debates as if it were his plan all along.

People on the Right have been saying for years that Biden is in obvious cognitive decline, but even they expected Biden to properly be fueled up to get through at least part of a 90-minute debate with Trump.

Biden was far worse than anyone expected.

The narrative on why Biden struggled

In the middle of the train wreck, NBC News dropped the motherlode of excuses for Biden’s performance: he had a cold.

Does this look like a man who simply had a cold?

The next day, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre reinforced the “cold” talking point.

During a press gaggle, a reporter asked, “Can you tell us more about his cold? When did he contract it? What — did it affect his performance last night?”

White House pushing “cold” talking point

Jean-Pierre said, “So, yes, and I think we shared this with many people yesterday. The president had a cold; he had a sore throat. That happens.  And — and that’s what you heard last night.  And, you know, I’ll — I’ll leave it there. I don’t have anything else to add. . .But, yes, he had a cold. He had a sore throat. Once he knew that he — he had a cold and a sore throat, he tested — he certainly tested for COVID. It was negative. And then we moved on from there.”

She then asked, “Why did the White House wait until the middle of the debate to release that information?”

Obviously it was because Biden was getting destroyed in the debate.

Jean-Pierre answered, “Look, I’ll tell you this. Look, he had a strong debate-prep week. And — and he got a cold, which happens. It happens. It’s not unusual. It’s not something — you know — I mean, you don’t share every time, you know, the president has a cold. It happened. And once — once he had the cold and had a sore throat, again, he tested negative for COVID. And then we moved on.”

Biden had such a bad cold that he stopped by Waffle House after the debate.

It must have been one of those 90-minute bugs.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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James Carville recommended one Trump-Biden debate condition that could blow up in his face




Joe Biden’s team knows he’s losing in the polls.

That’s why he challenged Donald Trump to two debates.

And James Carville recommended one Trump-Biden debate condition that could blow up in his face.

The first Donald Trump and Joe Biden debate is in the bag, and there is still one more to go.

Prior to the initial debate, much had been made about Biden’s sudden burst of energy at the beginning of speeches.

For example, Biden was jacked up for his 2024 State of the Union address but it soon faded.

Drug test?

That sparked Trump to call for a drug test to make sure Biden was not on something like methamphetamines.

Former Bill Clinton adviser took exception to Trump’s challenge and said that Biden should call for a “rabies test.”

Carville told Ari Melber on MSNBC, “I think from what I’ve read about his debate prep it is thorough. What I know about the people briefing him, they’re very knowledgeable, and they’re very experienced. I think he’s going to be very prepared. He has to wait for Trump. Trump is going to start where you take a drug test and he should say, ‘Yeah, only if you take a rabies test.’”

As humorous as that might be, Trump would pass a rabies test, but Biden might actually fail a drug test.

Carville continued, “And Trump is going to do something, I’m going to introduce a new phrase into our vocabulary here. Trump is going to shuck and jive. That’s a fact. And just understand that. He’s going to be talking about stuff he doesn’t know, he’s going to try to talk his way out of jams. He’s going to blabber on and say nothing. Just be ready for that, you don’t need to respond to it.”

Carville must never have heard Biden’s discursions about his uncle who was eaten by cannibals in World War II (he wasn’t) or when he claimed he was arrested trying to meet Nelson Mandela (he wasn’t).

Carville added, “Trump agreed to all these rules. Now he’ll come in and say it’s all stacked against me, but there’s rules you agreed to. I can’t believe he’s doing this, but he is. And that’s the big thing.”

Carville panicking

Carville has been attempting to sound the alarm for the Democrats about their messaging.

Just recently, he spoke with MSNBC contributor Donny Deutsch about the Democrat Party being too feminized.

Carville told Deutsch, “And I do think—and people got a little upset with me when I told The New York Times, I think Democratic culture has too many preachy females. It’s too much, ‘Don’t eat hamburgers, don’t watch football, wear a condom.’ Like, man, s***, leave me alone, okay? I’ve got a goddamn life to lead. You know, a guy works at a tire repair shop in suburban Atlanta, motherf***er’s working 50 hours a week, making $16.50 an hour, and he wants to watch the football game and he wants to smoke dope and drink beer.”

Thus far, Democrats have not heeded his warning.

They’re leaning into the feminist messaging.

Democrats like Carville are noting that they’re suffering for it as a result. 

Carville added, “We’re gonna lose Hispanic males. We’re gonna f***ing lose ’em.”

The political gender gap is opening very wide among younger voters.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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