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Rachel Maddow was on The View and pushed one head-scratcher of a Trump conspiracy theory



The so-called mainstream media all move as one entity.

It’s really easy to see during election season.

And Rachel Maddow appeared on The View and pushed one insane Donald Trump conspiracy theory.

Democrat-controlled media outlets all push the same DNC talking points.

Ever since January 6, the Left have uniformly hammered the narrative that Donald Trump is an “insurrectionist” and a “threat to democracy.”

Ramping up the propaganda

Unfortunately for the Democrats, that message has petered out, as Trump has a lead on Joe Biden in the polls.

That’s why Democrat fear-mongering has gotten more and more outlandish.

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow suggested that she and other journalists would be put in camps if Trump were elected.

Maddow appeared on The View and reiterated that same ridiculous notion.

Co-host Joy Behar chastised people who said that Maddow’s fears were “overdramatic.”

Behar said to Maddow, “I’m right there with you. I think that he is so vindictive that he will go after [his critics] however he has to, whether it’s through the IRS maybe, or even through sponsors to get us off the air maybe or you. How seriously should we be taking that?”

The true superpower of the Left is projection.

They are accusing Republicans of things that they have already done or are currently doing.

For example, it was Barack Obama who used the IRS to go after his political opponents, and then potentially incriminating emails simply vanished.

And the Left have attacked right-wing media sponsors for years; that is the entire raison d’être of organizations like Media Matters, which simply consumes conservative media outlets and organizes boycotts.

No one is safe!

Maddow responded, “I don’t think anyone is safe.”

Nobody is “safe” from Trump.

Everybody could end up in camps.

Maddow continued, “I think it’s bad having somebody saying give me as much power as you can in this country so I can use it to go after other Americans, so I can use it to go after these subhuman internal enemies and destroy them. That’s just not a good system.”

Again the Biden administration is doing that right now.

The Left used genocidal language about fellow Americans who chose not to get the vaccine.

Maddow continued, “If he decides he’s going to go after you or me or anybody who is well known, we have resources, we’ll likely be fine, but I think there’s a pattern where he picks out individual people and effectively terrorizes them.”

Meanwhile, the Biden administration is aggressively prosecuting pro-life advocates.

Attorney General Merrick Garland sicced the FBI on parents who protested at school board meetings.

One Trump supporter even got sentenced to prison time for an internet joke where he sent out a meme telling Hillary Clinton supporters that they could vote by simply replying to the tweet.

The prosecutors could not find a single person who did not vote as a result of answering the tweet, but it did not matter.

As soon as Biden took office, he punished a Trump supporter for a 2016 internet joke.

But Maddow is worried about what Trump might do.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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Far-left actress torched Hollywood in one scathing interview




Nothing can ever be “woke” enough for the hard Left.

That includes the uber-liberal entertainment industry.

And a far-left actress torched Hollywood in one interview.

Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria has been one of the most outspoken leftists in Hollywood over the past eight years.

And she recently complained that Tinseltown is not “woke” enough for her tastes.

Phony Hollywood

She told Grazia magazine that Hollywood’s “progressive” image is a façade.

Longoria said, “You know, people think Hollywood is a liberal, progressive industry, but it’s not. It would be great to have gender equity in all positions, we just don’t. We have fewer female directors and fewer Latinos in front of the camera than we did a couple of years ago. So, we’re actually going in the wrong direction, even though the perception is that we’re doing so great.”

Leftists are obsessed with identity politics bean-counting.

It is impossible to get proportional representation across an entire industry—let alone an entire country—but Left will never let go of that neo-Marxist dream.

Longoria added, “Women are still not getting the same opportunities as our male counterparts. What we do [in the industry] matters, it can change culture and, when you change culture, you can change policy, perception. You can change a lot of things with storytelling.”

This has been the Left’s mindset for decades, which is why society has moved in such a “woke” direction over the past decade.

But there are limits on “wokeness.”

Just because Longoria wants more female directors does not mean there are enough qualified female directors for the jobs.

Forced “diversity” does not work

Also, she discounts the agency of the people in the industry.

For example, maybe experienced female directors are turning down gigs for other opportunities in the independent film world.

Not everyone wants to work for a giant studio.

Indie director Jim Jarmusch, who broke into the industry in the 1980s, turned down the opportunity to direct a buddy cop movie for a major studio.

Ironically, Longoria’s worldview is sapping the creativity out of the business.

Activist groups are now involved in the storytelling process.

For instance, production companies consult with organizations like GLAAD on scripts.

And people inside the industry are finally getting fed up.

In 2022, Hawk Koch, producer and former president of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences, declared, “I’m all for LGBT and Native Americans, blacks, females, whatever minorities that have not been served correctly in the making of content, whether it’s television or movies or whatever, but I think it’s gone too far. I know a lot of very talented people that can’t get work because they’re not black, Native American, female or LGBTQ.” 

Worse yet, the quotas are not bringing in diverse viewpoints; they’re just bringing in leftists of a different shade.

Far-left actor John Leguizamo recently urged people not to vote for white people for the Emmys.

He took out a full-page ad in The New York Times to spread his message.

Activists like Longoria and Leguizamo are choking the life out of the film industry.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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Joy Reid made one comment on MSNBC that will leave your jaw on the floor




The desperation of Democrats is oozing off the screen.

Talking heads on cable news are getting more over-the-top with their language.

And Joy Reid made one comment on MSNBC that will leave your jaw on the floor.

Democrats cannot run on Joe Biden’s economy, immigration policy, foreign policy, or anything else that Americans care about.

As a result, Democrats and their media allies have been reduced to screeching about Donald Trump being a “threat to democracy.”

Democrats know they’re losing

The only problem with that narrative is that many poll respondents believe Trump is better equipped to steer American democracy against threats.

That undercuts the Democrats’ entire talking point.

Plus, the Left’s steam from January 6 has largely petered out.

In fact, Republicans are raising uncomfortable questions about that day.

That’s why talking heads like MSNBC’s Joy Reid are ramping up the anti-Trump rhetoric.

Reid had the audacity to say that the Republican Party’s position on abortion has brought back segregation.

Reid said on her show, “Today marks two years since Donald Trump’s hand-picked Supreme Court justices ripped away abortion rights from millions of American women, overturning Roe v. Wade with their ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health. Since then, the cruelty of the post-Dobbs world has impacted people all across this country. New data from Planned Parenthood shows that since Dobbs, 21 states have enacted some form of abortion ban and more than 28 million women, trans, and nonbinary people of reproductive age live in them. That is nearly 43 percent of all women of reproductive age nationwide. And we’ve heard directly from women affected by those bans.”

Of course, Reid cited Planned Parenthood—an abortion mill—in her analysis.

Reid included “trans” and “nonbinary” people because Planned Parenthood’s other source of income is prescribing “gender-affirming care” to women.

Planned Parenthood does not actually help women do what its name suggests.

The organization kills babies and sterilizes women, which is what Progressive Era founder Margaret Sanger was all about.

“Segregated society”

Reid invited Mini Timmaraju, president of Reproductive Freedom for All, who made the ridiculous claim about segregation.

Timmaraju said, “As you pointed out, 21 states have bans and restrictions and folks in places like Mississippi having to go all the way to places like New Mexico. What you’re seeing now is we’re essentially living in a segregated society again. We have states rights and states where you can live as a pregnant person with freedoms and states where you cannot. And you’re seeing the real life consequences of elections.”

These radical leftists cannot even bring themselves to use the word “woman”; instead they use nonsense terms like “pregnant person.”

The reality is there is no right to an abortion in the Constitution.

But Democrats have become so ghoulish on abortion that they believe not being able to freely kill babies is tantamount to Jim Crow.

If Democrats believe this is a winning message going into November, they could be in for a big surprise.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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Kamala Harris told MSNBC about one infuriating prediction she made about Trump




Joe Biden is feeling the heat about the November election.

His surrogates are busy making fools of themselves on television.

Now Kamala Harris went on MSNBC and made one infuriating prediction about Donald Trump.

Democrats and their media allies know that they cannot run on Joe Biden’s record.

Polls show that he is losing badly to Donald Trump on the issues of immigration and the economy.

No matter how much the press tries to burnish “Bidenomics,” it’s not working.

That’s why the Democrats are leaning into fear-mongering.

The abortion card

They’re trying to convince voters that a vote for Trump will be the end of American democracy.

Vice President Kamala Harris appeared on MSNBC with Mika Brzezinski to predict that electing Trump would effectively kill women because of the abortion issue.

Harris said, “I will say let’s really be clear how we got here, because the former president hand-selected three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Roe v. Wade and they did exactly as he intended. And in state after state, we are seeing what I call Trump abortion bans, including states that —   a six-week abortion ban, which tells you that these legislators clearly don’t know how a woman’s body works, or they don’t care.”

Democrats have lied about Trump’s position on abortion.

Trump has said repeatedly that the states should decide, yet Democrats have suggested Trump wants to pass a nationwide abortion ban.

Harris continued, “[M]ost women don’t know they are pregnant in six weeks and to your point, Mika, you know, there are two, I think, coexisting issues here that are extremely important. One is the notion that the highest court in our land just took a fundamental right that had been recognized from the people of America, from the women of America to make decisions about their own body.”

The Dobbs decision did not take away a “fundamental right.”

Democrats using God to push abortion

There is no right to an abortion in the Constitution, and Dobbs simply allowed anti-abortion laws to go into effect when passed by politicians or voters.

“The notion of it all, that in this year of our Lord, 2024, the highest court in the United States of America would take such a fundamental freedom from its people?” Harris added.

That Harris would invoke God while stumping for killing babies is truly shocking.

She continued, “And understanding this is not just a matter that is for debate and discussion and intellectual conversation. The real harm that has occurred every day in America since that case was decided and these laws are being passed, to your point, we know the stories about women seeking care because they are going through a miscarriage and being turned away by an emergency room because the physicians there are afraid they’re going be put in jail.”

Democrats have been fear-mongering about women having miscarriages.

That is absurd because in those instances, physicians are actually trying to save the baby’s life.

During the segment, Harris sat next to a pro-abortion activist who tried to make a religious argument in favor of abortion.

If Democrats believe this issue will save Joe Biden, they could be in for a big surprise.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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