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Late-night comedian made one truly unhinged comparison in his latest Trump rant



The reality of a second Donald Trump term is setting in for the Democrats.

That’s why they are ratcheting up the fear-mongering.

And one late-night comedian made a truly unhinged comparison in his latest Trump rant.

For some reason, British comedian John Oliver was imported and given an HBO show to rag on America nonstop.

In his latest foul-mouthed rant, Oliver compared Donald Trump to segregationist Democrat George Wallace.

Democrats freaking out over Trump’s plan for a second term

Oliver’s anger was over Trump’s Project 2025, which is a plan to clean out the administrative state of partisans that cannot be fired.

Oliver said on his show, “I do get that ‘Trump unraveling civil service protections’ isn’t the sexiest headline, but it’s also the action that could unlock his ability to do all the incredibly damaging things that he and those involved in Project 2025 have been planning.”

Progressive Era hero Woodrow Wilson, one of the worst and most damaging presidents in American history, wanted to create a fourth branch of government—the administrative state—that would be ruled by “experts.”

That is effectively what we have today.

Even though the administrative state works under the executive branch, it often operates independently of the president.

For example, undercover journalist James O’Keefe caught administrators in the Trump presidency admitting that they slow-walked some of his orders.

That is why the deep state needs to be cleaned out.

Oliver continued, “But the truth is, even if Trump loses, that won’t be the end of this. The people who cooked up Project 2025 will just move on to Project 2029 instead, because for them, this is about so much more than just one election, or indeed, one candidate.”

The Left are already planning to move on from fighting Trump to fighting Trumpism, i.e. anyone who opposes the establishment.

Oliver added, “Project 2025 is born from an impulse as old as America. It’s an impulse that says one class of Americans is entitled to lead, and the rest of us are lucky to be allowed to serve. That thinks there should be a limited government when it comes to rules they have to live by, but also a unitary executive to keep the rest of us in line. These are old, old ideas that have been shouted from podiums by the likes of George Wallace and Pat Buchanan, but have now been placed into a new playbook for an only-too-willing president to use on day one.”

Democrats want one-party rule

Oliver’s analysis makes zero sense.

Democrats would not tolerate Trump loyalists remaining in key positions and undermining the Democrat administration in power.

One of the reasons why it’s so difficult to get anything done in Washington, D.C. is because bureaucrats have been put in permanent positions.

Trump’s own intelligence agencies tried to oust him from office.

Oliver also joked about Supreme Court justices dying.

He said, “And in a perfect world, I’d love if we had an opposing party better able to articulate a strong defense of our country’s ideals, and that also consistently lived up to them. People are entitled to hope for more from the next four years than someone just ‘Not being Trump,’ and for at least two Supreme Court justices to die. I’m not saying which ones I’d prefer, but I think we all have our top two. And for anyone tempted to think, ‘Well, we survived Trump’s first term,’ first not everyone did.”

The Left is terrified that Trump might have a term where he is not knee-capped by his executive branch.

Oliver admitted as much.

He concluded, “And it should hopefully be clear by now, a second Trump term really promises to be far, far worse. Because if Trump’s first term was defined by chaos, his second could be defined by ruthless efficiency.”

Permanent Washington wants Americans to choose between two pre-approved candidates.

The 2016 choice was supposed to be between Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush.

Trump crashed the party, and the establishment has been trying to destroy him ever since.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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Trump just called out the Fox News backstabber behind Tucker Carlson’s firing




Donald Trump is in a strong position to reclaim the White House.

That is making the establishment very nervous.

And Trump just called out the Fox News backstabber behind Tucker Carlson’s firing.

It’s been over a year since Fox News fired Tucker Carlson when he had the top-rated show on cable television.

No reason was ever stated as to why he was let go, but it’s become quite clear that establishment Republicans took him out because he was too critical of funding the war in Ukraine.

McConnell spills the tea

After Congress was finally able to squeeze through another multi-billion-dollar funding package to Ukraine, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was asked by a reporter why the bill took so long to come together.

McConnell answered, “I think the demonization of Ukraine began by Tucker Carlson, who in my opinion ended up where he should’ve been all along, which is interviewing [Russian President] Vladimir Putin. . .He had an enormous audience, which convinced a lot of rank-and-file Republicans that maybe this was a mistake.”

That is ultimately why Carlson was fired.

Lo and behold one of the Fox News board members is former House Speaker Paul Ryan, the epitome of a Swamp creature.

Ryan almost certainly helped turn the screws on Carlson behind the scenes.

Now Donald Trump is calling out Ryan for his duplicity.

Trump wrote on Truth Social, “Nobody can ever trust Fox News, and I am one of them, with the weak and ineffective RINO, Paul Ryan, on its Board of Directors. He’s a total lightweight, a failed and pathetic Speaker of the House, and a very disloyal person. Romney was bad, but Paul Ryan made him look worse. As a team, they never had a chance. Rupert and Lachlan, get that dog off your Board – You don’t need him. ALL YOU NEED IS TRUMP. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Since leaving Fox News, Carlson has been successfully building his own platform, the Tucker Carlson Network.

He continues to be a staunch critic of the warmongers in the establishment.

Tucker’s evolving position on war

In his younger days, Carlson wrote for the bygone neoconservative outlet The Weekly Standard, which was founded by Bill Kristol.

But Carlson turned on the Iraq War and reckless interventionism overall when he traveled to Iraq.

He recounted a conversation he had with a general during dinner.

Carlson said, “I didn’t realize how corrupt and disgusting and feminized the officer class was and politicized, just repulsive people actually at the flag officer level. So we’re sitting at dinner and this general is telling me about, ‘I saw something really touching today. I saw we had this female officer, and she was killed. Her legs were blown off by an IED, and her husband was there.’”

The general believed that he was recounting a touching story, but Carlson was enraged.

Carson continued, “And, he, you know, they’ve got three kids back in Virginia. But he held her hand as she died. And this ultimate sacrifice for America. And I was like—what you’re, like, celebrating this? A girl got killed, a mother. I thought we fought wars to protect mothers and children. First of all, if you’re sending girls to fight your wars, you’re disgusting.”

This is the giant machine that people who oppose endless wars are fighting.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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“Eye Patch McCain” attended one event that will turn your stomach




Donald Trump showed the country that the fake news media was the “enemy of the American people.”

He also exposed that many RINOs are working hand in glove with the Democrats who control the press.

And “Eye Patch McCain” attended one event that will turn your stomach.

Representative Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) seemed like a rising star inside the Republican Party when he came into office in 2018.

However, people learned that he was another establishment player, which landed him the nickname “Eye Patch McCain,” a reference to “maverick” John McCain.

Crenshaw has been squishy on several issues, perhaps most notably immigration.

He is also a huge warmonger.

Swampy event

And Crenshaw showed that he was a creature of the Washington, D.C. Swamp when he showed up to a media event bankrolled by far-left philanthropist Melinda Gates and others.

The event was for The Texas Tribune, which receives millions in funding from left-wing dark money groups.

The Daily Caller reported that “Republicans attending include Texas Reps. Dan Crenshaw, Tony Gonzales, and Michael McCaul, former Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, political consultant Karl Rove, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton.”

Unsurprisingly, the GOP attendees were a Who’s Who of establishment Republicans.

When asked about their attendance by The Daily Caller, several responded that “they were attending the event to stand up for conservative beliefs against those with different viewpoints.”


The GOP attendees are essentially in lockstep with Democrats on the issue of war and immigration, i.e. they all want more of it.

Gates wrote on social media, “I’ve never endorsed a presidential candidate before. But this year’s election stands to be so enormously consequential for women and families that, this time, I can’t stay quiet. Women deserve a leader who cares about the issues they face and is committed to protecting their safety, their health, their economic power, their reproductive rights, and their ability to freely and fully participate in a functioning democracy. In this election, the contrast couldn’t be greater, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. I will be voting for President Biden.”

If there was any confusion about what type of event it would be, Gates cleared that up with her endorsement of Biden.

Left-wing donations

Scott Walter, president of the Capital Research Center, called out the event for what it was.

Walter explained, “This is not an entity that it gives money to outside its own cells. This is something it creates again, the Hopewell fund, both channels money onto other lefty nonprofits, but also pops into existence groups that are really just, you know, internal to itself, right?”

Left-wing donors obviously expect something for their money.

Walter added, “Any conservative or Republican should understand that this is very much a Left-wing and, you know, overall partisan thing. There’s a reason those Left-wing donors, the Arnolds and Ford and Hopewell, there’s a reason they give money to this, and it’s to help the left, and anybody who goes should be very clear-eyed about that.”

If Republican voters are wondering why they keep losing even when they win elections, it’s because of bad leadership.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*
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Jeff Bezos regrets buying The Washington Post as one growing problem has conservatives rolling their eyes




Amazon creator Jeff Bezos has become one of the richest men on the planet.

He’s made a concerted effort to get a foothold in mass media.

Now, Bezos is regretting buying The Washington Post because of one growing problem.

Billionaire Jeff Bezos is getting a lesson in leftism.

He was under the impression that when you bought a company, you controlled it.

But Bezos is discovering that, no, actually Left-wing activists inside the company control it.

He’s finding that out because leftists inside The Washington Post are in full-on revolt.

The Washington Post versus The Washington Post

The ouster of Executive Editor Sally Buzbee triggered a mutiny inside the newsroom.

William Lewis, who replaced Buzbee, told staff, “We are going to turn this thing around, but let’s not sugarcoat it. It needs turning around. . .We are losing large amounts of money. Your audience has halved in recent years. People are not reading your stuff. Right. I can’t sugarcoat it anymore.”

Needless to say, that did not go over well.

The Post has been in dire need of a shakeup due to poor financial performance.

The paper reported that “[i]n November 2022, only about 58 million people visited The Post’s digital platforms. And digital subscriptions, which peaked at 3 million in January 2021, fell to 2.7 million by the end of that year and have not rebounded.”

Lewis’ hard landing at the paper spurred four Washington Post reporters to write a hit piece on him.

They dredged up a story about Lewis being involved in the theft of an upcoming memoir written by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

The Post reported, “The suspect arrested by London police in 2010 was John Ford, a once-aspiring actor who has since admitted to an extensive career using deception and illegal means to obtain confidential information for Britain’s Sunday Times newspaper. Facing potential prosecution, Ford called a journalist he said he had collaborated with repeatedly — and trusted to come to his rescue. That journalist, according to draft book chapters Ford later wrote recounting his ordeal, was Robert Winnett, a Sunday Times veteran who is set to become editor of the Washington Post later this year.”

Scalp collected

The report had its desired effect because Winnett chose to stay at his position at the Daily Telegraph in London instead of joining Lewis.

It was clear that Lewis and whoever he picked would be marked men.

During his introduction to the newsroom, one staff member told Lewis, “The most cynical interpretation sort of feels like you chose two of your buddies to come in and help run The Post. And we now have four White men running three newsrooms.”

Legacy institutions like The New York Times and The Washington Post are now being led around by mid-level activist journalists.

The most “woke” person wins in these organizations.

This is what the Left have brought on themselves, and Bezos purchased these problems.

The job of trying to clean up The Post is going to be a massive headache.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*
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