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Democrat-controlled media celebrated Trump ally’s jail sentence with a gleefulness that will have you rolling your eyes



Democrats are attempting to take America First Republicans off the chessboard.

That’s why prosecutors are going after Donald Trump so relentlessly.

And Democrat-controlled media celebrated when one Trump ally was sentenced to jail.

Permanent Washington is out for blood.

The elites want Donald Trump and anyone close to him behind bars.

Smearing Trump and his allies

Democrats were over the moon when they could label Trump a “convicted felon” after Alvin Bragg’s hush money trial.

The line was giddily used over and over again by the corporate-controlled press.

Now, former Trump advisor Steve Bannon is being put through the wringer.

Bannon was hit with contempt of Congress after refusing to speak to Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 House Select Committee, which was designed to be a witch hunt against Trump.

In light of Bannon’s principled stance, he was sentenced to prison.

NBC News ran with the headline: “Trump is losing a key voice in the months before the election as Steve Bannon heads to prison.”

The goal is to smear Trump and all of his associates as a band of criminals because that justifies lawfare against them.

Federal Judge Carl Nichols revoked Bannon’s bail and called for him to report to jail on July 1 to serve out his four-month sentence.

That would mean Bannon could potentially be behind bars during the crucial months leading up to the election in November.

Bannon’s War Room podcast focuses on right-populist issues, but he also intersects with some liberals who are fed up with the establishment regime.

For instance, feminist Naomi Wolf has been a frequent guest on the show, and she teamed up with Bannon to fight back against COVID tyranny and lies.

CBS News admitted that “Bannon was not in the White House during the final months of the Trump administration that were of interest to the Jan. 6 committee, but he has continued to exert influence within the former president’s political base.”

All of Trump’s associates are targets

Even though Bannon was not even in the White House, the J6 committee wanted to go on a fishing expedition.

The committee was looking for any shred of evidence to argue collusion.

In light of the ruling, Bannon told reporters that “this is about shutting down the MAGA movement, shutting down grassroots conservatives, shutting down President Trump. There is not a prison built or a jail built that will ever shut me up.”

Bannon is correct.

Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress due to the Fast & Furious scandal, but he was shielded by Barack Obama.

Democrats were not calling for Holder to be put in jail back then.

The Washington, D.C. Swamp utterly despises Trump and his movement.

After Trump’s Manhattan conviction, he told his supporters “We’ll keep fighting. We’ll fight till the end and we’ll win. Because our country’s gone to hell. We don’t have the same country anymore. We have a divided mess. We’re a nation in decline, serious decline. Millions and millions of people pouring into our country right now from prisons and from mental institutions, terrorists. And they’re taking over our country. We have a country that’s in big trouble.”

The fact that Democrats have steered the country into banana republic territory is deeply concerning. 

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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Caitlin Clark suffers a blow to her career for one reason that will have your blood boiling




Women’s basketball has been begging for a star to bring in more viewership.

That star is Caitlin Clark but she’s being met with heavy resistance.

And Clark just suffered this major setback for one infuriating reason.

For years, WNBA players and fans have been demanding higher salaries and more notoriety for the women’s game.

Enter Caitlin Clark

During her four-year career at Iowa, Clark set the all-time NCAA record for points but also drew attention for style of play.

Clark is the first female player to consistently hit deep three-pointers—known as “logo threes”—with ease, reminiscent of Golden State Warriors superstar Steph Curry.

For example, Clark exacted revenge against LSU by burying one three-pointer after another in a 41-point explosion.

Clark was the number one overall pick in the WNBA draft; the television broadcast drew the highest ratings ever for the league.

But despite her college résumé and star power, Clark was left off the Team USA roster.

Clark is currently a rookie and not yet one of the 12 best players in the league, but the reason for her exclusion raised eyebrows.

Clark was reportedly left off the team because the selection committee feared backlash from her fans.

USA Today reporter Christine Brennan reported, “Two sources, both long-time U.S. basketball veterans with decades of experience in the women’s game, told me. . .that concern about how Clark’s millions of fans would react to what would likely be limited playing time on a stacked roster was a factor in the decision making.”

So a big reason for Clark getting left off the team is that her fans would be mad over a lack of playing time.

That is utterly preposterous.

Women’s Team USA has not lost a single game since 1992, and it has only lost three games total (two losses came in 1976).

Not only does Team USA win, it dominates.

The starters won’t be needed to play the whole game to secure the gold.

In the 2020 Olympics, Team USA won by an average score of 19.

Fans are savvy enough to understand that players are not going to get heavy minutes in an Olympic setting.

Brennan added, “If true, that would be an extraordinary admission of the existence of real tension that the old guard of women’s basketball harbors for this multi-million-dollar sensation. The two people spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.”

Brennan is right on the money.

There is clearly resistance from the old guard to Clark’s star power.

Selection Committee Chair Jen Rizzotti responded to the backlash by saying, “It would be irresponsible for us to talk about her in a way other than how she would impact the play of the team. . .Because it wasn’t the purview of our committee to decide how many people would watch or how many people would root for the U.S. It was our purview to create the best team we could for Cheryl.”

Many commentators have pointed out that the leaders of women’s basketball missed a royal opportunity to grow the game.

The 1992 Dream Team included Magic Johnson and Larry Bird, two of the greatest basketball players of all time, but they were past their prime.

Johnson was retired and out of the league in light of his HIV announcement, and Bird’s back was shot; he played only half of the 1991-92 season.

Bird’s back was so bad, he often lay down on the sideline instead of sitting upright on the bench.

But the inclusion of Johnson and Bird was important for growing the game internationally.

It seems as though the leaders of women’s basketball are more interested in protecting their turf.


Clark is straight, white, and thus far apolitical, so she is an odd fit for the face of the league.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*
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Never-Trumper bashed Christians in one infuriating New York Times column




The War on Christianity is escalating as the 2024 election nears.

Democrats are clearly attempting to peel off voters from the evangelical bloc.

And a Never-Trumper bashed Christians in one infuriating New York Times column.

Perhaps no conservative better embodies the Never-Trump movement than David French.

The former National Review columnist, who now serves as the in-house Republican basher at The New York Times, has been on a years-long crusade against fellow Christians.

French has gone out of his way to smear his co-religionists as bigots because they supported Donald Trump.

French flip-flop

Meanwhile, French has written columns calling Drag Queen Story Hour a “blessing of liberty.”

In his latest Times column, French attacked the Presbyterian Church in America.

French wrote, “This week, the leaders of the Presbyterian Church in America will gather in Richmond, Va., for their annual General Assembly. The Presbyterian Church in America is a small, theologically conservative Christian denomination that was my family’s church home for more than 15 years. It just canceled me.”

French left out many details, including his slander toward church leadership.

French continued, “I am now deemed too divisive to speak to a gathering of Christians who share my faith. I was scheduled to speak about the challenges of dealing with toxic polarization, but I was considered too polarizing.”

He wonders why demeaning a sizable portion of the electorate is considered polarizing.

Conservative writer Sean Davis commented, “This is the funniest thing David French has ever written. French left the PCA, trashed it as racist, used his platform to smear and defame its members, but he is the victim for them not wanting him spewing his bile at their annual meeting. His martyrdom complex is pathological.”

Ever since 2016, French has become increasingly hostile toward anyone who supports Trump.

During the 2016 campaign, his family was hit with unsavory online attacks—which are shameful, but sadly par for the course for a public figure—and that has seemingly led French to move away from his old Christian conservative stances.

French was recruited by neocon godfather Bill Kristol to run as an independent against Trump in 2016 in order to throw the election toward Hillary Clinton, but French got cold feet.

Former CIA agent Evan McMullin ran in French’s place, but his campaign went nowhere.

The After Party

Now, French is actively working with the Left.

He helped develop a program called The After Party, a leftist-funded nonprofit group that provides church curriculum aimed at “reframing Christian political identity from today’s divisive partisan options.”

Unsurprisingly, the target of the program is conservative thinking.

Benefactors of The After Party openly support far-left issues like universal abortion and “gender-affirming care” for minors.

French, along with the Democrat-controlled media, are trying to scare people regarding the boogeyman of Christian Nationalism. 

At a time when irreligiousness is at an all-time high in America, people are supposed to believe that a Christian theocracy is right around the corner.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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Trump VP candidate shoots down one ugly Democrat smear job in spectacular fashion




Donald Trump is still deliberating on who his running mate will be.

He is unlikely to go with an establishment pick like Mike Pence this time around.

And a Trump VP candidate just shot down one ugly Democrat smear job.

Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) really gets under the skin of the Democrat Party.

He is a popular black Republican in an important state who’s also an effective communicator, which is why he has received some buzz as a Vice Presidential pick.

Democrats despise him so much that he was denied entry into the Congressional Black Caucus because “black” is a substitute for “Democrat” in the eyes of the Left.

Donalds getting smeared

Congressman Donalds recently spoke at an event in Philadelphia, and he talked about the growing fatherlessness rate in the black community, which accelerated with the Great Society welfare programs of the 1960s.

Dishonest Democrats twisted his words to suggest that he argued black families were better off in the Jim Crow Era.

Donalds appeared on CNN to set the record straight.

CNN host Abby Phillip asked, “What did you mean by black families were more together during Jim Crow?”

Donalds responded, “Frankly, what that is, is about the empirical fact that before the Great Society, before Lyndon Johnson’s policies, there was more black families united. The marriage rate in black America was significantly higher before the Great Society, the period of time that coincides with that obviously is Jim Crow era. And then after the Great Society, the marriage rate in the black community plummeted significantly.”

This is objectively true.

The Great Society program disincentivized intact families.

That does not mean that Donalds believes things were peachy for black people under Jim Crow.

Donalds continued, “The Great Society is a part of that reason, not completely, but it’s definitely a part of that. And what you’re seeing right now in America is a reformation of black families in America. That’s a good thing, not only for the black community and for black families, but it’s also a good thing for the country.”

Phillip asked again, “So what was the point of tying together the black family and Jim Crow, specifically? I mean, Jim Crow, as you know, was a period of racial segregation, of racial terror. Why would you make that connection?”

Donalds answered, “All I was doing was referring to the time periods when you talk about the historical timelines in America and coinciding with black families and what the marriage rate in black families are. The overarching point is obviously talking about what polling shows today that about 20, 25 percent of the black vote, depending on what poll you’re looking at, is leaning towards supporting Republicans and supporting President Trump. The corollary to that is, is that when you’re in a family unit, husband and wife living together, working together, thriving together, you’re raising your kids, your thought process is now talking about building generational wealth.”

Two-parent privilege is the greatest privilege, yet leftists do everything they can to undermine the family.

They have to usurp the family in order to get people to be subservient to the state.

Phillip continued to pepper Donalds on the same talking point.

Dishonest Democrats

He replied, “Abby, let me put it to you like this. Let’s agree on something. I am, you know, obviously one of the better communicators in the Republican Party. I know how to put words together. I do it very, very often. So, I’m not going to say something that I do not agree with. What America is seeing right now, especially black America, is the gaslighting that unfortunately does happen in politics, where you take my comments and you want to weave your own political viewpoint into what I said. What I said is very clear.”

Phillip and  Democrats are playing a game.

They know that Donalds does not believe that black people were better off under Jim Crow.

Democrats and their media allies are being dishonest in order to generate a bad headline.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*
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