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Trump just called out the Fox News backstabber behind Tucker Carlson’s firing



Donald Trump is in a strong position to reclaim the White House.

That is making the establishment very nervous.

And Trump just called out the Fox News backstabber behind Tucker Carlson’s firing.

It’s been over a year since Fox News fired Tucker Carlson when he had the top-rated show on cable television.

No reason was ever stated as to why he was let go, but it’s become quite clear that establishment Republicans took him out because he was too critical of funding the war in Ukraine.

McConnell spills the tea

After Congress was finally able to squeeze through another multi-billion-dollar funding package to Ukraine, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was asked by a reporter why the bill took so long to come together.

McConnell answered, “I think the demonization of Ukraine began by Tucker Carlson, who in my opinion ended up where he should’ve been all along, which is interviewing [Russian President] Vladimir Putin. . .He had an enormous audience, which convinced a lot of rank-and-file Republicans that maybe this was a mistake.”

That is ultimately why Carlson was fired.

Lo and behold one of the Fox News board members is former House Speaker Paul Ryan, the epitome of a Swamp creature.

Ryan almost certainly helped turn the screws on Carlson behind the scenes.

Now Donald Trump is calling out Ryan for his duplicity.

Trump wrote on Truth Social, “Nobody can ever trust Fox News, and I am one of them, with the weak and ineffective RINO, Paul Ryan, on its Board of Directors. He’s a total lightweight, a failed and pathetic Speaker of the House, and a very disloyal person. Romney was bad, but Paul Ryan made him look worse. As a team, they never had a chance. Rupert and Lachlan, get that dog off your Board – You don’t need him. ALL YOU NEED IS TRUMP. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Since leaving Fox News, Carlson has been successfully building his own platform, the Tucker Carlson Network.

He continues to be a staunch critic of the warmongers in the establishment.

Tucker’s evolving position on war

In his younger days, Carlson wrote for the bygone neoconservative outlet The Weekly Standard, which was founded by Bill Kristol.

But Carlson turned on the Iraq War and reckless interventionism overall when he traveled to Iraq.

He recounted a conversation he had with a general during dinner.

Carlson said, “I didn’t realize how corrupt and disgusting and feminized the officer class was and politicized, just repulsive people actually at the flag officer level. So we’re sitting at dinner and this general is telling me about, ‘I saw something really touching today. I saw we had this female officer, and she was killed. Her legs were blown off by an IED, and her husband was there.’”

The general believed that he was recounting a touching story, but Carlson was enraged.

Carson continued, “And, he, you know, they’ve got three kids back in Virginia. But he held her hand as she died. And this ultimate sacrifice for America. And I was like—what you’re, like, celebrating this? A girl got killed, a mother. I thought we fought wars to protect mothers and children. First of all, if you’re sending girls to fight your wars, you’re disgusting.”

This is the giant machine that people who oppose endless wars are fighting.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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Kamala Harris told MSNBC about one infuriating prediction she made about Trump




Joe Biden is feeling the heat about the November election.

His surrogates are busy making fools of themselves on television.

Now Kamala Harris went on MSNBC and made one infuriating prediction about Donald Trump.

Democrats and their media allies know that they cannot run on Joe Biden’s record.

Polls show that he is losing badly to Donald Trump on the issues of immigration and the economy.

No matter how much the press tries to burnish “Bidenomics,” it’s not working.

That’s why the Democrats are leaning into fear-mongering.

The abortion card

They’re trying to convince voters that a vote for Trump will be the end of American democracy.

Vice President Kamala Harris appeared on MSNBC with Mika Brzezinski to predict that electing Trump would effectively kill women because of the abortion issue.

Harris said, “I will say let’s really be clear how we got here, because the former president hand-selected three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Roe v. Wade and they did exactly as he intended. And in state after state, we are seeing what I call Trump abortion bans, including states that —   a six-week abortion ban, which tells you that these legislators clearly don’t know how a woman’s body works, or they don’t care.”

Democrats have lied about Trump’s position on abortion.

Trump has said repeatedly that the states should decide, yet Democrats have suggested Trump wants to pass a nationwide abortion ban.

Harris continued, “[M]ost women don’t know they are pregnant in six weeks and to your point, Mika, you know, there are two, I think, coexisting issues here that are extremely important. One is the notion that the highest court in our land just took a fundamental right that had been recognized from the people of America, from the women of America to make decisions about their own body.”

The Dobbs decision did not take away a “fundamental right.”

Democrats using God to push abortion

There is no right to an abortion in the Constitution, and Dobbs simply allowed anti-abortion laws to go into effect when passed by politicians or voters.

“The notion of it all, that in this year of our Lord, 2024, the highest court in the United States of America would take such a fundamental freedom from its people?” Harris added.

That Harris would invoke God while stumping for killing babies is truly shocking.

She continued, “And understanding this is not just a matter that is for debate and discussion and intellectual conversation. The real harm that has occurred every day in America since that case was decided and these laws are being passed, to your point, we know the stories about women seeking care because they are going through a miscarriage and being turned away by an emergency room because the physicians there are afraid they’re going be put in jail.”

Democrats have been fear-mongering about women having miscarriages.

That is absurd because in those instances, physicians are actually trying to save the baby’s life.

During the segment, Harris sat next to a pro-abortion activist who tried to make a religious argument in favor of abortion.

If Democrats believe this issue will save Joe Biden, they could be in for a big surprise.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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Rachel Maddow proved upper-crust liberals are out of touch after one failed dunk attempt on Trump




Democrats are losing support among blue-collar workers.

The chattering class on cable news is a good reason why.

And Rachel Maddow proved upper-crust liberals are out of touch after one failed dunk attempt on Donald Trump.

Democrats and their media allies are scraping the bottom of the barrel in order to attack Donald Trump.

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow took a break from predicting that Trump would put her and other journalists in camps in order to laugh at an ancient MMA promotion.

Maddow grasping at straws

In case anyone had forgotten, Maddow reminded everyone that she’s an effete liberal who knows nothing of life outside the D.C. corridor when she tried to dunk on Trump by showing a promo for a 2008 Affliction event; Affliction no longer exists as a brand.

The weird departure was a lame attempt to hit Trump over a joke about migrants fighting it out.

Maddow began, “I’m going show you something, but I’m going to tell you what you’re going to see in advance. I’m going to tell you in advance but, even so, I’m going to venture a guess that you knowing in advance what’s coming; you having me tell you in advance what you’re about to see is not going to make it make any more sense. But let me just describe it ahead of time so you can get your head around it. Okay? It’s going to start with, I think it’s like a bracelet, a decorated bracelet hitting the floor. It’s possible that it’s like a mouth guard or something. But that’s so gross, I don’t even want to think about it. We’re just going to call it a bracelet.”

No, it is a mouthguard, and it keeps your teeth in your mouth during a fight.

Maddow went on to explain a rather generic fight promotion, highlighting the fact she had never seen one before.

Later, Maddow said, “After the pointing guy, we then get a guy motioning like he is going to cut himself in the neck. Then you get a guy who kicks the air. Then, inexplicably, you get the highlight. You get a guy with vampire teeth. And then the guy with the big fake vampire teeth punches the fake fire. Then two other guys do punchy things and then it gets really funny. I can’t even describe it. There is an audio component, and then there is Donald Trump.”

Apparently Maddow has never seen the “throat slash” gesture before.

Maddow later said, “I just want to say that we did not, like, edit this and cut in a different goofy voice where it was supposed to be a tough guy voice. Just—this is how it came out. . .‘Affliction Banned.’ They did not, apparently, spring for the expensive announcer guy. They just had the intern do it.”

Maddow did not even realize that she was making fun of Michael Buffer, only the most famous ring announcer of all time.

Carville’s warning

Longtime Democratic strategist James Carville put it best when he said, “I think Democratic culture has too many preachy females. It’s too much. . .”

Democrats are increasingly becoming the party of unmarried female liberal arts majors with no kids.

That demographic alone cannot win elections.

Democrats have essentially abandoned male voters.

And it could cost them the 2024 election.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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Judge slammed CNN in one head-turning lawsuit that could cost the network $1 billion




CNN cannot use the “most trusted name in news” moniker with a straight face.

The network has destroyed its credibility in the Donald Trump era.

And a judge just slammed CNN in one lawsuit that could cost the network $1 billion.

CNN and other Democrat-controlled outlets mocked Fox News after the network settled its lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems for $787 million.

But CNN itself could be on the hook for $1 billion amid its own legal troubles.

CNN getting sued

Navy veteran and security contractor Zachary Young sued CNN for defamation, claiming that the network slandered his company regarding the evacuation of Afghanistan.

CNN referred to his firm as “black market,” implying illegality and internal communications proved that the network was eager to “nail” Young.

Judge L. Clayton Roberts wrote in a court ruling, “Young sufficiently proffered evidence of actual malice, express malice, and a level of conduct outrageous enough to open the door for him to seek punitive damages.”

Alex Marquardt, the “primary reporter” on the Afghanistan story, sent a message to a colleague that said he wanted to “nail this Zachary Young mf***er.”

Marquardt added that the story would be Young’s “funeral.”

CNN editor Matthew Philips replied to Marquardt: “gonna hold you to that cowboy!”

The internal messages got worse.

CNN senior editor Fuzz Hogan—a member of CNN’s self-styled “Triad” of editorial, legal, and standards and practices oversight personnel—said that Young was “a s***.”

During court proceedings, Judge Roberts pressed CNN counsel Charles Tobin on the network’s use of the term “black market.”

Judge Roberts asked, “[W]hen they were talking about Mr. Young, they had his picture on the thing and there was a chyron that says he was involved in a black market. And, you know, I’ve looked in a couple of dictionaries –  three or four – and the first definition for black market in all the dictionaries is criminal activity. And you know, if you are accusing someone of criminal activity and they’re not involved in a crime, that’s usually defamation per se. Correct?”

CNN admits to defamation

Tobin responded, “Under the law where we would be looking at the defamatory meaning, perhaps it would be.”

That is a shocking admission from CNN’s own lawyer.

Tobin countered by saying that the definition was irrelevant.

He argued, “Here, we’re on a question of actual malice, express malice, and outrageous conduct measured by objective standards. Under that criteria, your honor, regardless of what the meaning may be in the dictionary, which is an objective definition.”

Judge Roberts already ruled that CNN’s internal communications met the malice standard for the case to move word.

The judge then asked about CNN’s “Triad.”

Tobin responded, “The Triad, your honor, is a group of three different departments at CNN. It’s the Standards and Practices Department, it’s the Legal Department, and it’s the Editorial Department, they come together—”

“So these are lawyers and professional writers that, you know, are used to dealing with words and have dictionaries and know how precise—what words mean?” Judge Roberts interjected.

Tobin answered, “One would presume, your honor, that they’re educated people that they’ve been in the business for a while. But your honor, there is nothing in the record discussing the word “blackmail” [sic] at all among any of the CNN journalists. And it is plaintiff’s burden.”

Young’s counsel Vel Freedman hammered CNN for playing word games.

Freedman argued, “So what CNN is claiming is they took a word from the English language that has one definition and they meant when they said ‘black market,’ they actually meant ‘gray market,’ but they said ‘black market’ that has one definition. . .CNN can’t get up there and say, ‘Hey, Mr. Young is a serial killer,’ but actually mean that he was a good Samaritan, but they only knew that in their head.”

Thus far, the court proceedings do not seem to be going very well for CNN.

After sneering at Fox News, CNN could have egg on its face if the network gets hit with a massive judgment.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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