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Joe Scarborough uttered one word that made his entire audience gasp for air



Joe Scarborough is locked in a battle with Nicolle Wallace.

They are jockeying for the position of top Never-Trumper on MSNBC.

And Scarborough uttered one word that made his entire audience gasp for air.

Joe Scarborough publicly left the Republican Party and became an independent in 2017 after the election of Donald Trump.

Many questioned the sincerity of his switch after Scarborough and co-host Mika Brzezinski, whom he eventually married, invited Trump onto their show MSNBC Morning Joe repeatedly during the 2016 GOP primary.

Scarborough even joked about being Trump’s running mate.

Scarborough’s leftward turn

But after it became clear that Trump was more than a sideshow, marching orders came down to unleash an all-out assault on Trump that has not stopped since.

Scarborough was suddenly appalled by Trump and has since become a consistent Democrat Party shill, even on issues he once supported as a Republican Congressman in Florida.

However, during a recent rant about far-left radicals protesting the war in Gaza on college campuses, Scarborough used one stunning word to describe himself.

Scarborough claimed that he was a “conservative.”

It’s impossible to tell based on his comments over the past seven years.

Nevertheless, Scarborough said, “[Y]ou do wonder whether the adults are, the adults that are supposed to be running the university. The amount of money that they are paid to educate students, and they can’t allow students to go to class because a small subset of those students and outside agitators want to shut down the camp—where are the adults?”

Parents are paying $70,000 per year—or students are incurring debt—to be indoctrinated into far-left radicalism to be cannon fodder for a fake revolution.

Scarborough then said, “It’s staggering, not just to me. I know I’m a conservative.”

People on both sides of the aisle had to do a double-take.

Scarborough has not moved like a conservative in a very long time.

He continued, “Not just to me, but to 90% of Americans. They want to know where the adults are at Columbia. They want to know where the adults are at Penn. They want to know where the adults are at Harvard. They want to know where the adults are in all of these college campuses where they’re letting their students and outside agitators run across the campus, shut down debate, scream whenever anybody tries to talk reason to them.”

The adults agree with them ideologically, which means the far-left protests will continue.

Scarborough scolded the protesters that “shout genocidal chants, hold up signs, pointing to Jews saying, ‘Hamas’s next victims.’ Holding up signs talking about the ‘final solution.’ Chanting constantly, ‘From the river to the sea.’”

The chant has become controversial in that some consider it to mean that Palestinians will only be free once the entire land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea is free of Jews.

Scarborough continued, “You know what ‘From the river to the sea’ is? If you don’t, that’s all right. Most of the students chanting it don’t understand that they are chanting genocidal comments.”

That’s enough, Dear

Brzezinski was visibly uncomfortable and attempted to segue to a guest.

She said, “All right, joining us now—”

But Scarborough was not done with his rant.

He said, “They want to wipe out all Jews and they want to destroy the state of Israel and they want to kill Jews and push them—see, they are Hamas on college campuses when they chant that.”

He finally got to the heart of the matter and called out the radical leftists in charge.

Scarborough added, “[T]his is a long time coming. This has been coming since the 1960s. And now, the people that were burning down college campuses, the people that were taking over presidents’ offices, those people are now on the faculty senate. . .trying to encourage these students to do the same. They helped elect Nixon . . . I guess they want to elect Donald Trump in ‘24. Good on you, guys.”

Scarborough is scared to death that these protesters could win Trump a second term.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*

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White House Bidenomics spokesman crashed and burned in one disastrous interview




Joe Biden has committed countless gaffes as President.

Members of his administration seem to be taking their cues from him.

And a White House Bidenomics spokesman crashed and burned in one disastrous interview.

Democrats and their media allies have been trying hard to sell Bidenomics to the American people.

However, Americans aren’t buying it.

Trust in Biden plummets

Polls show that respondents trust Donald Trump on the economy more than Joe Biden by 20 points.

It’s easy to understand why, with inflation still hampering people’s purchasing power.

And Biden’s ability to sell Bidenomics got ten times more difficult after his top economic adviser sat for a disastrous interview.

Jared Bernstein, Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, was interviewed for the documentary Finding the Money, a movie that promotes the kooky Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), and he fumbled on Econ 101 questions.

Bernstein claimed, “The U.S. government can’t go bankrupt because we can print our own money.”

Countries that have experienced hyperinflation found out the hard way that that is not true.

No wonder Bidenomics is a joke

The interviewer asked, “Like you said, they print the dollar, so why does the government even borrow?”

Then Bernstein’s brain broke.

He tried to filibuster his way to a coherent answer, then failed. 

Bernstein said, “Again, some of this stuff gets – some of the language and concepts are just confusing. The government definitely prints money, and it definitely lends that money by selling bonds. Is that what they do? They sell bonds, yeah, they sell bonds. Right? Since they sell bonds, and people buy the bonds, and lend them the money.”

Again, Bernstein is the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers and he is struggling with basic monetary policy.

He continued, “A lot of times, at least to my ear with MMT, the language and the concepts can be kind of unnecessarily confusing but there is no question that the government prints money and then it uses that money to um, uh. . .I guess I’m just, I can’t really, I don’t get it, I don’t know what they’re talking about. . .It’s like, the government clearly prints money, it does it all the time, and it clearly borrows, otherwise you wouldn’t be having this debt and deficit conversation. So I don’t think there’s anything confusing there.”



Perhaps one problem is that Bernstein has zero training in economics.

He received a Bachelor of Music at the Manhattan School of Music, a Master of Social Work at Hunter College, and a Doctorate in Social Work at Columbia University.

Bernstein somehow parlayed his love of music and social work into a career in economic policy.

He had the correct “progressive” perspective, so he climbed the ranks in Democrat Party politics.

As for the question that stumped Bernstein, the government borrows money for various reasons, one being that it helps maintain worldwide faith in the U.S. dollar.

Reckless spending and going off the gold standard have significantly devalued fiat currency.

If the government were to print enough money to pay off the national debt in one fell swoop, it would have devastating consequences for the economy.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*
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Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas couldn’t believe his eyes after one late-night host suggested the unimaginable




Democrats have turned their fire on the Supreme Court.

They revered the court when they had a liberal majority.

And Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was hit with another ugly smear from one late-night host.

Leftists use a common tactic to gain power.

They criticize someone or something until they control it or destroy it.

The Supreme Court currently has a conservative tilt, so it has come under constant attack from the Left.

Democrats suddenly hate the Supreme Court

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said that Joe Biden should pack the Supreme Court, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said that Democrats should disregard court ruling altogether.

Constant hit pieces have come out against conservative justices, plus Hollywood is getting in on the act.

Showtime produced the docuseries Deadlocked to portray the current court as having gone rogue.

And late-night comedian John Oliver offered Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, the main target of the Left’s ire, $1 million to “get the f*** off the Supreme Court.”

Hacky comedian admiration society

Oliver appeared on Seth Meyers’ unwatchable late night and doubled down on his slander of Thomas.

Meyers said, “There is something that has not happened yet that you threw out into the universe. You basically offered Clarence Thomas a million dollars a year. . .if he resigned from the Supreme Court.”

Oliver replied, “I did do that. I did, yeah. Yeah. Easy.”

“Easy,” Meyers repeated.

Oliver continued, “Easy. So easy to feel that way when you didn’t make the offer, and I felt exactly like you until the offer went out on TV. I was so excited. ‘Oh, that was fun. That show went really well. Oh [bleep], it’s about to happen now, isn’t it?’”

Meyers added, “Now, I imagine there’s multiple people you just. . .have to talk to about that. People, lawyers. . .Your wife.”

“Definitely,” Oliver said.

Meyers asked, “Were they as applaud-y as this group?”

Oliver answered, “I would say my wife was on the low side of the applaud-y. It was more, ‘What did you just tell me?’ I did say to her, ‘It’s until one of us dies.’ And I think that if he takes the offer—”

“Not you or your wife, you or Clarence Thomas,” Meyers clarified.

Oliver replied, “Yeah. Well, you diagnosed the awkwardness in that room really well. ‘Why would you put that in the offer, you sociopath?’ Until I or Clarence Thomas die. And I did feel like if he took the deal that there were going to be some people so angry with me that they were going to kill me. Therefore, my wife wouldn’t be on the hook for the money. But she didn’t take that as the reassuring statement that I hoped. ‘Oh, I won’t be around for that. Don’t worry. It’s fine.’”

Meyers then asked, “What was the window of time you gave him?”

Oliver said, “It was—we gave him 30 days. Honestly, I’d open it up again. . .As long as he gets out before the—before they’re doing the June decisions.”

“Yeah,” Meyers said.

Oliver added, “I would be willing to open discussions again.”

Sadly, this is what passes for late-night comedy these days.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*
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Joe Scarborough made one statement on MSNBC that came back to bite him




No network is more Trump-deranged than MSNBC.

The hosts spend all day spinning dark tales of Donald Trump becoming a dictator for life.

But Joe Scarborough made one statement on MSNBC that came back to bite him.

Democrat-controlled media outlets cannot keep their story straight.

Their narrative jumps around so much that it is almost impossible to follow.

And Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough contradicted himself regarding Donald Trump’s base of support.

Scarborough mocking Republicans

Scarborough said during a panel discussion, “You know, Jen [Palmieri], there’s a stereotype of the Trump voter that the media does. Oh, it’s—people are stumbling drunk out of their trailer park and, you know, shooting raccoons, or something like that. No! It’s bankers. It’s lawyers. It’s people with advanced degrees. . .Which is, it’s, it’s, the elites make this possible.”

However, Scarborough has constantly thumbed his nose at Trump supporters and denounced them as yokels.

Scarborough exaggerated a southern accent to mock House Oversight Committee Chairman Jim Comer (R-KY) and said, “We ain’t got nuthin’ but a squirrel fryer and a hound dog.”

He also said, “Comer and his gang are running for the hills. In their coon hats, holding a squirrel fryer in their left hand and a shotgun in the right!”

Scarborough also referred to House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) as “Jesus’s man in Congress,” then mocked Johnson by saying, “All you got to do is look at the Bible. That’s what I do.”

He also slammed pro-life politicians as “old, fat, white men in Mississippi.”

Scarborough, who laughably called himself a “conservative” recently, has lost all credibility with regard to fear-mongering about Trump.

He used to invite Trump onto his show during 2016 and joked about being his running mate.

Scarborough continued, “They read that Donald Trump says that there’s going to be mass deportation. He’s going to force prosecutors to arrest political enemies. He’s going to execute generals that don’t follow his commands. He’s able to use SEAL Team Six to execute political opponents. And he says you can’t arrest me for that.”

Boogeyman campfire stories

This is flat-out irresponsible journalism.

First, Trump should mass-deport illegal aliens, but most members of Congress don’t have the stomach to do it.

The press blowback would be like nothing ever seen before, even worse than the “kids in cages” fake controversy.

The idea that Trump would execute generals is ridiculous.

High-ranking members of the military bragged about lying to him about troop deployments.

But suddenly he’s going to kill the ranks in Stalinist fashion?

Scarborough added, “You can go down the list. He’s going to be a dictator from day one. He’s going to terminate the Constitution. On and on, they’ve heard all of this. They heard what he said to Time magazine a couple of days ago. It is a dark, autocratic vision of America. And these people, these educated people with advanced degrees, are the ones saying, yeah, I’ll support Donald Trump again. Thinking, oh, you know what? Maybe my investments will go, or maybe he won’t tax me 3%. Not understanding that this is not just a threat to democracy, but this is a threat to capitalism.”

Nobody outside of the most hardcore MSNBC and CNN watchers believes any of that nonsense.

But the Democrats and their media allies have nothing else, so they have chosen to dial up the fear-mongering to 11.

*Pants on Fire News Official Polling*
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